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Comment Re:info (Score 1) 174

It's really not that hard at all.

and it comes with a very good implementation and pedigree,

Here's a video demo of ZRTP in use:

So as far as the user is concerned, there's not reason it can't be dead simple.

Comment Re:Binoculars (Score 1) 187

Don't buy a telescope. Instead, get a good pair of 10x50
binoculars and an intro astronomy book with pictures.

Specifically, buy them The Stars: A New Way to See Them by Hans A. Rey, the creator of Curious George.

The reviews on the back cover are worth the trouble of reading, if you can make them out in the Amazon image. Hell, just the names of the authors of the reviews on the back cover are worth the trouble of reading.

It is quite simply the best popular book on observational astronomy ever written.

Comment Re:Ha ha! (Score 2) 579

One politician said it failed... all other reports of the project
(even very recently) have said it's been a success. The actual article
says they are convening a panel of experts to consider whether to go
back to Microsoft, so despite the misleading summary here, nothing has
been decided.

When has there ever been a "panel of experts" assembled by a politician
which was not stacked with "experts" guaranteed to deliver a predetermined
result? They're the consultants of the public service world.

Hell, one of the famous Microsoft Halloween Documents even discusses this
exact scenario: stack the speakers in a public panel with ones known to
favor your side and to the public the discussion and conclusion looks "fair
and balanced".

Comment Re:Millionare panhandlers (Score 4, Insightful) 200

Reminds me of the stories of panhandlers begging at intersections
who get picked up by their chauffeurs at the end of the day to go back
to their mansions.

You mean complete imaginary bullshit made up by and propagated by greedy
sociopaths eager to rationalize their abandonment of their fellow man?

Yeah, something reminiscent in it.

Comment fusing relitivity to orders of magnitude (Score -1, Flamebait) 225

compare and contrast, the US's war in Iraq, 1 ea. at $2.29 trillion, up to $6T if you act now.

pick your technological investment, rinse and repeat and hope to have something to show for it at the end of the day.

Something to think about on the 4th.

Comment Re:Probably not (Score 4, Interesting) 198

The Moto G is selling like hot cakes, and rightly so.

Just maybe not in the US, but India and friends are a bigger market, at the G's lower price. With the self-inflicted implosion of Nokia a big gap in the market opened up over there. And it's a new market not an already saturated one.

Google got the patent portfolio, which was what they were really after. Hardware isn't their core business so of course they'd move that part of the operation on at the first opportunity.

Comment Re:Aluminium (Score 1) 365

> Storage wastes energy too -- pumped hydro, the cheapest form
> of bulk energy storage has an input-to-output efficiency of
> about 65 percent.

yeah, but that excess production was free, so even if you lose some
of it in the efficiency losses it's still a net gain, just less so.

which is still good.

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