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Submission + - Turkey caught RED HANDED smuggling weapon to IS in Syria! (

An anonymous reader writes: In the wake of the Islamic terrorist attack in Europe, the following news is very alarming

7 container trucks filled with weapons were stopped at a town in southern Turkey and searched. The weapons were destined to Syria to help the Islamic State / Al Queda alliance

Weapons found inside the containers include rockets, ammo, bombs, launchers, and was reportedly personally authorized by Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The public prosecutor of the southern Turkish town who ordered the search, Mr. Aziz Takci, was sacked by the government of president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the 13 soldiers involved in the search of the 7 containers were apprehended and charged charged in court with “espionage,” a charge that can carry up to 20 years in prison

It is thus clear that the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan actively supporting Islamic Terrorism

If you think Recep Tayyip Erdogan only supply weapons to IS / AQ in Syria, you are greatly mistaken. The same fella also actively support Islamic terrorism elsewhere, including those who want to erect an Islamic Caliphate in Europe

Submission + - Why will no one answer the obvious, massive question about TTIP? (

schwit1 writes: When a government proposes to abandon one of the fundamental principles of justice, there had better be a powerful reason. Equality before the law is not ditched lightly. Surely? Well read this and judge for yourself.

The UK government, like that of the US and 13 other EU members(1), wants to set up a separate judicial system, exclusively for the use of corporations. While the rest of us must take our chances in the courts, corporations across the EU and US will be allowed to sue governments before a tribunal of corporate lawyers. They will be able to challenge the laws they don’t like, and seek massive compensation if these are deemed to affect their “future anticipated profits”.

I’m talking about the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and its provisions for “investor state dispute settlement”. If this sounds incomprehensible, that’s mission accomplished: public understanding is lethal to this attempted corporate coup.

Submission + - Obama's latest tax proposal - cap on profits (

Taco Cowboy writes: If you have investments in the USA, watch out! Obama is going to levy hefty tax on ya!

President Barack Obama is proposing new taxes on the wealthiest Americans that would limit their profits from investments and make it harder for them to pass assets to heirs

Obama, who will promote the plan during his Jan. 20 State of the Union Address, will use much of the proceeds — $320 billion over 10 years — to expand tax credits for higher education and child care and create a new break for two-earner couples. The White House released details of the plan Saturday

The president’s address is intended to lay out an agenda for his final two years in office and help the Democratic Party retain the White House in the 2016 election with a legacy of policies that appeal to middle- and lower-income voters, who continued to lose ground as the economy rebounded from the recession

He would increase the top tax rate on capital gains and dividends to 28 percent from 23.8 percent. The rate was 15 percent when Obama took office in 2009, meaning that he’s proposing to almost double it over his two terms in office

He would also impose capital-gains taxes on asset transfers at death, ending what the White House calls “the largest capital gains loophole.” Under current law, assets held until death aren’t subject to those levies, creating an incentive for wealthy people to hold onto them. Heirs only have to pay capital-gains taxes when they sell and only on the value above what the assets were worth at death

Submission + - Future farms may move indoor (

Taco Cowboy writes: A farming model that can produce 100 times what a farm produces in the same amount of space may revolutionize agriculture as we know it

In a 25,000 square foot building in Japan, indoor farming company Mirai has built a farm producing 10,000 heads of lettuce per day. Not only is the production staggering, but the farm uses 40% less power, 80% less food waste, and 99% less water than outdoor fields while improving yields from around 50%-90%

What's fascinating about this technology isn't where it is today, but where it could be in 10 or 20 years. This technology could be automated, powered by solar energy, and could even produce high value plants used in medicines, just as an example

The medical and pharmaceutical industries often find valuable plant extracts in remote parts of the world. These plants could be produced indoors in a controlled environment, improving supply

Synthetic biology could also open a world of possibilities for indoor farming. Designer plants could be used to fill industry needs the way algae are beginning to be used to create specialty chemicals today

An indoor farm that can create 10,000 heads of lettuce per day is impressive, but it's just scratching the surface of what indoor farming could do. Biological engineering combined with automated growing could feed the world at a lower cost with higher quality and also produce products for a variety an ancillary industries. This could be the future of farming and could be on a dinner table near you before you know it

Submission + - Laser that is powered by one electron at a time ( 1

Taco Cowboy writes: Princeton University researchers have built a rice grain-sized laser powered by single electrons tunneling through artificial atoms known as quantum dots. The tiny microwave laser, or "maser," is a demonstration of the fundamental interactions between light and moving electrons

The researchers built the device — which uses about one-billionth the electric current needed to power a hair dryer — while exploring how to use quantum dots, which are bits of semiconductor material that act like single atoms, as components for quantum computers

The device demonstrates a major step forward for efforts to build quantum-computing systems out of semiconductor materials, according to co-author and collaborator Jacob Taylor, an adjunct assistant professor at the Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland-National Institute of Standards and Technology. "I consider this to be a really important result for our long-term goal, which is entanglement between quantum bits in semiconductor-based devices" Taylor said

The researchers fabricated the double quantum dots from extremely thin nanowires (about 50 nanometers, or a billionth of a meter, in diameter) made of a semiconductor material called indium arsenide. They patterned the indium arsenide wires over other even smaller metal wires that act as gate electrodes, which control the energy levels in the dots

To construct the maser, they placed the two double dots about 6 millimeters apart in a cavity made of a superconducting material, niobium "This is the first time that the team at Princeton has demonstrated that there is a connection between two double quantum dots separated by nearly a centimeter, a substantial distance" Taylor said

When the device was switched on, electrons flowed single-file through each double quantum dot, causing them to emit photons in the microwave region of the spectrum. These photons then bounced off mirrors at each end of the cavity to build into a coherent beam of microwave light

One advantage of the new maser is that the energy levels inside the dots can be fine-tuned to produce light at other frequencies, which cannot be done with other semiconductor lasers in which the frequency is fixed during manufacturing, Petta said. The larger the energy difference between the two levels, the higher the frequency of light emitted

"In this paper the researchers dig down deep into the fundamental interaction between light and the moving electron" Gmachl said. "The double quantum dot allows them full control over the motion of even a single electron, and in return they show how the coherent microwave field is created and amplified. Learning to control these fundamental light-matter interaction processes will help in the future development of light sources"

Submission + - 'Blackhat' is the Greatest Hacking Movie Ever writes: Cade Metz writes that last week Parisa Tabriz, head of Google’s Chrome security team, helped arrange an early screening of Michael Mann’s 'Blackhat' in San Francisco for 200-odd security specialists from Google, Facebook, Apple, Tesla, Twitter, Square, Cisco, and other parts of Silicon Valley’s close-knit security community, and their response to the film was shockingly positive. "Judging from the screening Q&A—and the pointed ways this audience reacted during the screening—you could certainly argue Blackhat is the best hacking movie ever made," writes Metz. "Many info-sec specialists will tell you how much they like Sneakers—the 1992 film with Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Dan Ackroyd, Ben Kingsley, and River Phoenix—but few films have so closely hewed to info-sec reality as Mann’s new movie, fashioned in his characteristic pseudo-documentary style." “Unlike others, this is a film about a real person, not a stereotype—a real guy with real problems thrust into a real situation,” says Mark Abene. "The technology—and the disasters—in the film were real, or at least plausible.

Dirctor Michael Mann worked closely with Kevin Poulsen in researching, writing, and shooting the film. Like Hemsworth’s character, Poulsen spent time in prison for his hacking exploits, and Mann says his input was invaluable. “It’s the first crime-thriller to hinge so heavily on hacking without becoming silly.” says Poulson. "We put a lot of work into finding plausible ways that malware and hosting arrangements and all these other things could be used to advance the plot and all of that I think turned out pretty nice."

Comment History is repeating itself (Score 0) 219

Rome's biggest enemy was itself, the upper classes saw only their own gain, disdained the masses, and ignored the changing world around them

While them Islamic savages are destroying the social fabric of the European countries what the Europeans leaders want to do?

To open Europe up for even more of them Islamic savages!

Comment 2nd/3rd generation of immigrants are IMMIGRANTS! (Score -1, Troll) 219

... are second and third-generation immigrants ...

France belongs to the French

Germany belongs to the Germans

Sweden belongs to the Swedes

Italy belongs to the Italians

In other words, they are the indigenous for their ancestors, for thousands of years, have settled in that place

And immigrants ? No matter if they are 2nd / 3rd / 4th or whatever generation, once they have decided to harm the indigenous they should be kicked out, immediately !

Comment Does Google lie? (Score 1) 45

Since TFA talks about Google offering a brain, an online smart brain, I just had to google "Does Google Lie" and guess what the first result was?

A link to 'Does Google lie -' which does not work !

And the instructions (type cat ./ type cheeseburger Mango) ain't making any sense either

Comment The French ask for it ! (Score 0, Flamebait) 206

... the people trying to massacre them ...

Them fucking French have been asking for being massacred for decades

They have imported the savages by the MILLIONS and they still want to import MANY MILLIONS MORE savages into France

I say let the French be massacred

Let France be an example to all --- let the whole world know the consequences of importing them Islamic savages

Submission + - Humans have pushed Planet Earth beyond the pale (

Taco Cowboy writes: As reported in Washington Post ~ ~ humans have pushed the Planet Earth beyond the breaking point in four (4) out of the nine (9) boundaries in Nature

... and they are ...

* The extinction rate;

* Deforestation;

* The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere;

... and ...

* The flow of nitrogen and phosphorous ( used on land as fertilizer ) into the ocean

That is the conclusion of a new paper published Thursday in the journal Science by 18 researchers trying to gauge the breaking points in the natural world

The researchers focused on nine separate planetary boundaries first identified by scientists in a 2009 paper. These boundaries set theoretical limits on changes to the environment, and include ozone depletion, freshwater use, ocean acidification, atmospheric aerosol pollution and the introduction of exotic chemicals and modified organisms

Beyond each planetary boundary is a “zone of uncertainty.” This zone is meant to acknowledge the inherent uncertainties in the calculations, and to offer decision-makers a bit of a buffer, so that they can potentially take action before it’s too late to make a difference. Beyond that zone of uncertainty is the unknown — planetary conditions unfamiliar to us

Pierrehumbert, who was not involved in the paper published in Science, added that a planetary boundary "is like an avalanche warning tape on a ski slope"

The scientists say there is no certainty that catastrophe will follow the transgression of these boundaries. Rather, the scientists cite the precautionary principle: We know that human civilization has risen and flourished in the past 10,000 years — an epoch known as the Holocene — under relatively stable environmental conditions

No one knows what will happen to civilization if planetary conditions continue to change. But the authors of the Science paper write that the planet "is likely to be much less hospitable to the development of human societies"

Comment Scientists are human beings too (Score 2, Insightful) 227

Human beings when become celebrities will get their ego 'floated' when they find themselves becoming celebrities, and of course, scientists are no different

We can see how many of the celebrities have fumbled, sport stars, politicians, movie stars, and yes, even religious leaders, they too fumbled

They act different, the content of their speeches have also changed and become boastful. Most have forgotten what 'humble' feel like, and truth does not matter anymore

And truth is what Science is all about - the search for truth

Once truth is no longer important, then no matter how grandiose a scientific essay has been produced, it in itself has lost all its value

Remember, Scientists are humans too

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