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Comment Re:Scalable is not enough (Score 1) 57

You do understand his point though right? Oil companies *knew* FIFTY years ago this would happen...and hid that info and actively fed propaganda to deny it.

By arguing that, perhaps we should wait and take things slow because it's hard...that's pretty much the same propaganda just dialed back for the current situation. Millions more will die if we *don't* move fast.

So yes, you are, knowingly or not, playing the same role.

Comment Re: Scalable is not enough (Score 1) 57

So should we not try and figure out how to remove CO2 until we've achieved 100% green power grid? This is an *attempt*. If it works, scale it using green power as available. It's like EV cars. Right *now* they are likely fossil fuel powered. But by switching to EVs, they become green as the grid greens. 2 step parallel tracks to get to the end goal

Comment Re: Scalable is not enough (Score 1) 57

Removing CO2 from the atmosphere is directly fighting climate change. There are two things. Reducing emissions and CO2 sequestration. This is an attempt at one. You don't wait to put the roof on a house until all the walls are painted. It may not be net zero. Few initial attempts work perfectly. You also don't get to viable without trying things.

Comment Re: I'm of two minds about this (Score 1) 57

yeah both are most definitely needed. The concern by some is that if we were to magically develop robust capture tech that works. A lot of the impetus to reduce actual emissions would get lost.

The next 10 years will be quite telling me thinks. Either we learn the disasters coming are getting worse or we watch them get even worse.

Comment Re:AFAIK, (Score 1) 20

Watch and listen video

Redesigned blades basically eliminate the spikey annoying sounds for a low level continuous one that's barely audible.

It's fair to worry that the cheap hobby drones you hear most often represent the commercial tech, but it's also a solvable problem. We should push for regulations to *require* such things to minimize the effects.

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