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Comment Yo, let's cut the bullcrap. . . . (Score 2) 218

Wall Street, responsible for the global economic meltdown (JPMorgan CHASE, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, etc., etc.), is in Cyrus Vance Jr.'s district, and it was Vance Junior who went after some tiny little Chinese immigrant bank, Abacus Bank, instead of going after a single one of the major players.

I call bullcrap on this!

Comment Re:As long as the opportunity is equal (Score 1) 9

"As long as the opportunity to start your own business is equal"

There's only one sub-industry I can think of today where that is true, and I've yet to meet anybody who is making a living at it (though, in that sub industry, cell phone app authorship, there have been some big short-term winners, most of them produce fad and fashion, not trend).

Comment Feedback loops (Score 1) 167

Irrelevant perhaps, but that doesn't mean it won't be popular, at least among certain demographics.

After all, if it comes to reflect their biases more the longer they use it, they'll be more and more likely to want to get their news from there.

So from that perspective, it sounds like a win for those selling the ads on it, and a depressing loss for the rest of humanity.

Dan Aris

Comment Flare stars (Score 3, Informative) 62

Ok, I understand that, but isn't it possible for an ice bearing comet (or several) to impact the planet at some later time when the sun was cooler? Surely those planetary systems have their own equivalent of oort clouds?

The whole reason that a red dwarf is so dangerous to live around is its low gravity. It can hurl flares from its surface that ascend far out into space and reach its tight little "habitable zone", and its planets will occasionally orbit through a flare and get zapped. The flares are channeled and accelerated by electromagnetic turbulence that originates from deep inside the star. Even after the surface temperature of its photosphere finally declines, the star will continue to flare until it shrinks down to a white dwarf (which has no habitable zone at all, since its starlight is extreme ultraviolet radiation that can easily blast water molecules apart). Since M-class stars typically have expected lifetimes of trillions of years, you'd have to wait a long time to see it happen.

Comment Re:So why no neural interface? (Score 2) 56

"we've got monkeys that have rapidly learned to control a robotic arm using only signals from a tiny cluster electrodes in their brain,"

"rapidly" and "control" are very much relative terms in this case. And note the "in their brain" - you need to implant an electrode array to get good, reliable signals. With monkeys you can do it to half a dozen animals and hope than one or two get a fully working implant. And the array has to be working for a few months or so. With a human patient you need to get it right every time, and the array has to be viable for a decade at the very least.

Comment A, B, P (Score 1) 20

The problem with Karl Marx, as with most economists of any stripe, is they are incredibly short sighted, and cannot see beyond the present generation very easily.

Thus B replaced A (Aristocrats) by revolution and good business sense, just a generation or three before Karl lived. So he expected P would replace B eventually (because that's what progress means). He failed to take into account original sin, thus B & P really aren't that much better than A, the feudal lords they replaced.

Comment Re:Who doesn't (Score 1) 11

Ron Wyden I see as giving in quite quickly. He ran on the idea of being a Hatfield type conservative, bucking the party that endorsed him, and then morphed into yet another party hack after he was elected, paying back those who pay for his campaigns.

Same with Rand Paul, he's just got a different set of donors than most Republicans, which can appear to be solid beliefs when they really aren't.

The flip side of corporate political campaigns, is that good businessmen don't spend money without a significant return on investment, for anything.

Comment Re:I blame racism (Score 1) 4

except Natalie, of Natalie's Cakes N More bakery, is African American.

I notice that a bunch of rich white conservatives though got together to support her:

The only thing faster than the rioting, is this GoFundMe account, in which she's not only got back the $20,000 needed to rebuild her bakery, but a good year's salary in the bank besides.

Comment Who doesn't (Score 1) 11

I don't need to know so much who's supporting a candidate, because that only matters if I already know that they don't have solid beliefs themselves and are primarily just doing what their supporters want.
What politician has solid beliefs?

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