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Comment Re:Good reason to get shut (Score 1) 922

Do you know anything about recent afghani history? In the 70's a communist government at Kabul decided that all girls would need to attend school.The Tribal leaders were against this and rose against the then gov.The Soviets thought that kabul's response was weak and invaded Afghanistan.The US financed the Wahhabi "freedom fighters" (mostly arabs) who the moment soviets were defeated turned on the local populace.

So dont blame the Afghans for the new york attacks,blame George bush Sr and Reagan for financing,training and supplying Binladen and co with means to attack the US.

In fact the Afghans should have a gripe with the US and not the other way round!

Comment Re:This is ... a good thing? (Score 1) 293

You dont run a business do you? Or live and work in the UK? Because if you did ,you would know that pretty much all businesses install CCTV. Not because its mandated by law but because its decreases yours Insurance premium.

In most instances CCTV's in public areas are installed by the councils as its easier and cheaper than actually policing and patrolling Crime Hotspots,dont be under the impression that there is someone monitoring them.A significant amount dont work and only a few if any are monitored regularly.

Dont blame on malice whats actually mostly a business decision.

Comment Re:I want to know... (Score 3, Insightful) 749

I am sorry but thats what comes off free trade....i dont remember too many people complaining when this meant mega corporations getting unfettered access to developing nations and repatriating their profits back to shareholders in Europe and the US.

Free trade means precisely that : Free movement of Goods,Capital and Labour.

For years we have had cheap goods off the back of chinese labour and booming economies with access to new markets for our mega corporations.The chickens are coming home to roost,Comrade!


Paul Krugman Awarded Nobel Prize For Economics 425

zogger writes in his journal, "The guy who put together the concept of geographical location combined with cheap transportation leading to 'like trades with like' and the rise of superindustrial trading blocs has won the Nobel economics science prize. He's a bigtime critic of a lot of this administration's policies, and is unabashedly an FDR-economy styled fella. Here is his blog at the NYTimes." Reader yoyoq adds that Krugman's career choice was inspired by reading Asimov's Foundation series at a young age.

Has Ron Paul Quit? 878

Lally Singh sends us to the inside-the-Beltway blog Wonkette for a quick take on a letter Ron Paul sent to his supporters. In this analysis, Dr. Paul has basically called it quits. "Late Friday night, Dr. Congressman Ron Paul posted a letter to his fans basically saying it's over, but he will continue talking about his message, and plus it would be completely embarrassing for him if he also lost his congressional seat."

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