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Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 1) 274

I think that's a valid argument. However, sometimes when I'm low on petrol I'll pull in to what seems like a ubiquitous gas station and after I enter my credit card, a speaker suddenly starts blaring advertisements at me. I feel like my urge to yank out the speaker wire is justified by the obnoxiousness of the advertisement. I fear something similar is what's coming to shelves near me.

Comment Re:Not necessarily terrible (Score 3, Insightful) 477

it's almost impossible to manage several employees remotely.

I honestly can't fathom how this can be the case. How hard is it to have basic metrics to balance against weekly status reports? I don't see how physical location does anything to create accountability for one's work output, and is no substitute for management.

Comment Re:I can think of one that Steve Jobs disagreed wi (Score 1) 598

I think this is a prime example of the vastness of the software development field. When I first started coding, the same argument was made about being able to write a compiler, and yet I'm expected to know this and a litany of emergent platforms, patterns, languages, and development environments. Lets face it, 95% of development is lego binding, and most of the time the pieces just have to fit together well enough. That modest performance gain you will get from your intimate knowledge of sorting algorithms will be much less important than whether your code is functional, concise and maintainable for the majority of programming jobs out there.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 527

When you say the FBI "asked" for real time metadata, did they have a warrant?

Regardless, the jump from "you're not doing what we ask" to "we get to install a black box on your network and spoof as you, trust us not to abuse this" seems excessive if not absurd as lavabit's core business is centered around privacy. It would be like a safe company being required to issue a key to every safe they've ever made to the FBI because they wouldn't hand over a single purchaser's account information.

Comment Re:Wow, (Score 1) 452

The problem you mention does not seem intractable. Getting an average of the trades from the last interval would give me a good idea of what to bid/offer on the next round, and some semblance of honest brokerage would prevent the sort of millisecond gaming you mention, a hell of a lot better than the crap shoot I have right now where timing a buy is like pinning the tail on a bucking mule. Synchronized resolution of bids/offers at intervals with some sort of equitable resolution for bids ranges seems quite do-able to me.

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