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Comment Re:competition (Score 1) 112

Correct, which is why I don't live in any of them. Multiple flag method, banking separate from business, separate from residence, separate from income, separate from vacations and so on. There are a number of places where I feel more comfortable, but basically I always look at the place I am at specifically from that point of view: how much freedom does it want to steal from me? Some places are much worse than others, different places concentrate on stealing different types of freedoms.

Comment Re:competition (Score 1) 112

Well it's the problem, isn't it? The fact is that yes, the government took over and usurped all the various powers that it is not actually authorised to have and it 'has a role' in all of that, as in it has fingers in all of it, actually more likely like hands, it's swimming in all of it.

It shouldn't, that's my point, there shouldn't be any government involvement in our private lives at all, there shouldn't be any government involvement in anything beyond the very basic protection against invasion and that's it.

Comment Re:competition (Score 0) 112

Federal government shouldn't have any authority to build any highways, it also shouldn't have authority to establish post offices that are monopolies at the very least (so are highways).

There shouldn't be any government involvement in electrification or telephones either, health, insurance, transportation, energy of any kind, education, pretty much anything.

Comment Re:competition (Score 1) 112

Yes, I am sure that UPS and FedEx will defend my privacy with their lives. Are you aware of a competitor who is unlikely to provide my data to the government?

- they are not a government agency by default and they have to provide their clients with service that clients will appreciate, which means in many cases yes, defending your privacy sometimes with their freedom.

What would be the point of doing this? To get better mail rates as long as you live in one of the top-10 major cities?

- precisely. If you live on a farm somewhere you are not entitled to have your services subsidised by people who live in the cities. You shouldn't be subsidised regardless where you live, regardless for what the reasons are, regardless of who you are.

Comment competition (Score 0) 112

The first class mail delivery has to be opened to the competition, the USPS has a monopoly on it, if you don't want to be tracked you may want to choose a competitor who will not provide your data to the government that way. Of-course USPS is government, so this story is a bit strange. The government postal service is tracking your mail... you better hope it does, otherwise how can it deliver it?

Comment added benefits (Score 2) 286

and as an added benefit at the push of a button you won't be able to see what is actually going on on the outside, probably the airplane company is selling this to the government as we speak, pushing it as a 'security' feature (by obscurity) as if people who really want to couldn't use timing to figure out where they are.

Comment I think you nailed it there (Score 4, Insightful) 432

I think the proposition that NOT using GMOs risks global catastrophe might have more odds in its favor than using GMOs.

Bananas, citrus, chocolate, coffee are all threatened by pathogens or climate change. There are some credible pathogen threats to wheat as well.

In the case of citrus, the ONLY (**ONLY**) resistant variety to citrus greening disease, out of ALL the citrus varieties on the plant, is a GMO variety that has genes from spinach spliced in.

So we have a case of, worldwide collapse of citrus production, OR GMO citrus.

I think I'll take the GMO citrus, thank you very much. If I were a Florida planter, and I weren't worried about anti-GMO hysteria, I'd be replacing my citrus orchards (as they die) with GMO plants.

As I referred to above, similar threats are either now or are poised to decimate bananas, coffee, chocolate, and wheat, though I'm not so sure that the naturally resistant variety situation is so dire in those cases.



Comment Re:Want Critical Thinking? Fix the Public Schools (Score 0) 553

You should apologise, not to me, I have nothing to do with your education system, apologise to the people in your own country for destroying a perfectly fine free market capitalist system that they had in the nineteenth century and in the early twentieth and destroying it with socialist and of course fascist movements that your pathetic society has developed over the last 100 years. It happened to your society in a completely organic fashion, you didn't even need a revolution.

Poor people are poor in your socialist/fascist system and they will stay poor and will get poorer. Poor people were made richer by a free market capitalist system that you decided to destroy in exchange for a promise of security and free bread crumbs and pieces of pork and circuses, that politicians promised to throw your way. Of-course they promised to steal from those, who still produce and to subsidise those, that you are supposedly interested in helping, but of course as per usual, these motions lead to the exact opposite outcomes.

Comment Re:Want Critical Thinking? Fix the Public Schools (Score 0) 553

Your freedom to move... on the property of others.

- wrong. I was born in the USSR, I am talking about freedom to move without government impeding on it, which is what we had - government impeding on our ability to move as free people, which we were not.

As to property of others, I am against all public property and so AFAIC all roads should be private and it is between individuals to come and various road providers to come to agreement as to how the roads can be used and it has nothing to do with:

to be secured for you by others (yet without cost)

which only has meaning by dint of the power of the collective to enforce the contract.

- wrong. Freedom to contract means without government interjecting into the terms of contract and setting rules as to how contracts are written and enforced.

you were free to own yourself and your property... unless I understand you to be objecting to eminent domain

sure, eminent domain is a huge problem, but you are still wrong, people are not free to own themselves and property as long as governments can collect income taxes and declare what money is and inflate money supply by printing fiat.

roads, railroads, etc. that the nasty collective forced upon your noble and downtrodden individuals.

- all roads and railroads should be private, as they used to be as well.

Kooks here are the likes of you, not just kooks, socialist/fascist ideologues.

Comment Re:Want Critical Thinking? Fix the Public Schools (Score 1) 553

Nonsense, a free society is free from government oppression, which creates the instability in the economy, the inflation (money printing) that keeps politicians afloat, the business regulations and income taxes that destroy productivity and promote theft and murder (and obviously higher prices).


Free market capitalism produces outcomes that are affordable by most productive people and push prices down specifically to gain more market share and to make more money in the process, which is the ultimate moral good: making money by giving the people the choice of giving you their money for the product that they want and reward you for.

The only entities that keep pushing prices up are the governments, who want to bail out the politicians by constantly pushing for more and more inflation (money printing) to give them the free out of jail card to promise shit to the masses of idiots, who want free shit that they do not personally produce and pay for (at least not directly as they understand it).

Comment Re:Want Critical Thinking? Fix the Public Schools (Score 1) 553

Your double speak is powerless to hide the reality, there are no rights that are only ensured by denying rights of other people and that is exactly what you have to do to provide your 'civil entitlements', not rights.

A civil entitlement system exists, unfortunately, you are correct. A civil right system does not exist, anything that has to call itself a 'civil right' is based on discrimination, theft and use of force of government and its weapons to steal rights/liberty/property of people to provide the entitlements. The societies that create such is systems are sick, I give you that, most societies are sick. Societies that are based on denial of rights, denial of equal rights of people under law, based on theft and threat of government violence are sick societies.

We have what we have, all we can do is understand what exactly is going on and help these societies to commit suicide, a collapse, which is inevitable and desirable. I would rather have war and destruction than these so called 'civilised societies' that destroy the individual by promising to the majority to steal and redistribute. These societies do not deserve the light of day and they will collapse under that weight and total lack of morality, the morality that matters - morality of respect of the freedom of the individual being more important than any group any collective. Freedom first of all means protection of the individual against the destructive power of the collective, freedom to own and operate his/her own self and his/her property, freedom of movement and freedom of contract.

Sick, paternalistic societies will end themselves so that eventually freer societies can emerge, too bad we are living here today before that happened.

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