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Comment Re:Because they don't want to. (Score 0, Troll) 265

I had a meeting with the M$ person ...

And shortly thereafter were escorted off the campus? Did your "sage" advice come unsolicited? Perhaps your advice, which was not based on any direct knowledge of how their spam filters work, was not actually that useful to them?

I don't have a lot of problems with Outlook / Hotmail either, slightly more spam than Gmail, but not much. But do rock on with the anti "M$" blather, the "$" just adds so much more gravitas and validity to your arguments.

Comment Re:Go Ross, Go! (Score 1) 208

Also, do you know that it was FBI that posed undercover as the blackmailers as well as the executors. That every single hit that was ordered against a fictional entity, in response to blackmails by fictional entities, and carried out by a fictional entity as well.

And you know this how? Oh, that's right, you made this all up...

Comment Re:when the president does it (Score 2, Insightful) 208

Today on Slashdot I learned that the only purpose of the constitution is to allow sex slaves in South Carolina and make it possible to steal Ohio from the Indians.

Thanks for that valuable analysis. No, no, don't bother with any citations, they aren't even remotely necessary. I'll just assume that Article V is all about sex slaves in South Carolina. Or the Ohio thing, whatever. I'm sure it's one of the two, anyway. I'll teach this to any child I can find. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go educate Facebook.

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