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Comment Re:Well, she was an interim. (Score 1) 467

"You start kicking out the undesirables and its like filtering the porn links out of google. "

Or maybe it's like preventing Reddit from becoming the next 4chan.

"You want to contain as many communities as possible under the same roof."

That's what *you* want. Reddit wants to make money. Obviously they need numbers, but they're also probably going after a particular demographic. They need high-profile AMAs, they need not to be embarrassed elsewhere in the media, etc. Relying only upon shaming and other organic defense mechanism is not going to cut it.

Comment FTA: did anyone else read the law cited? (Score 4, Informative) 674

When I clicked on the link to see the definition of "abstracting electricity", in the section on case law the offense cited was meter tampering. As in substantionally "more than a few electrons." The cost of prosecution would far exceed the cost of the electricity used. (I would also see where this particular law would apply to unauthorized taps or splices, where the power draw would be signifiant.)

One issue the article did bring up: the power at that train-car outlet isn't at all clean. If it uses external power pickup (third rail or overhead catenary) I could see where the surges, sags and dropouts would be severe enough to damage a phone or laptop, especially as the drive motors of the train, a highly inductive load, would cause very large spikes as the power pickup loses and re-makes contact. Contrast that with a long-haul train which supplies power from a locomotive generator, which shouldn't flicker at all.

So it could well be that there is a cause for action of a different sort: "We are not liable for any damage caused by plugging anything into the outlets on this train."

Comment Good, I will make more money. (Score 1) 116

IAAL. I do mostly commercial litigation. Most lawyers do either mostly or entirely transactional work - negotiating agreements, drafting documents, that sort of thing. Usually when a client comes to me it is because one of the transactional lawyers stuffed up, or because the client thought they did not need a lawyer for transactional work. If you think all of this can be automated, I am sure I will be seeing you soon. Basically, you can fork out some money on a good transactional lawyer up front, or you can come to me and fork out a truckload of money later. Additionally, in nearly all of the litigation I do, there is at least one issue where the past cases do not quite cover the point. Then the lawyers have to figure out what the rule is for the particular facts. It is very rarely just a simple case of applying known rules to simple facts. That is without even getting to questions of proof and whether the witnesses will be believed, which is hard for a machine to assess.

Comment Re:Well so much for Democracy (Score 1) 485

The problem stems from the currency. The EU consists of sovereign states that are not bound together as tightly as states in the U.S., but their economies are now coupled by the Euro.

Can you imagine if places like South Carolina and Mississippi had to pay California back all the money they receive in federal funding from California taxpayers? They'd have to throw up their hands and start using Confederate dollars again.

Comment Re:Let me guess. (Score 1) 249

It's a pretty bold assertion to claim that increasing the concentration of one of the atmosphere's most optically active constituents by 30% won't have any significant consequences on temperature. Do you have anything to back that up, other than your political leanings? What makes you believe that rising CO2 is not a significant problem, and what is it that you understand about CO2 and the history of climate on planet Earth that physicists and climatologists don't?

Figures; in the U.S., party affiliation is the most reliable predictor of one's opinion about global warming, but if you dare suggest around here that someone's opinion is influenced by politics, you get modded to hell.

Comment Re:Let me guess. (Score -1, Flamebait) 249

It's a pretty bold assertion to claim that increasing the concentration of one of the atmosphere's most optically active constituents by 30% won't have any significant consequences on temperature.

Do you have anything to back that up, other than your political leanings? What makes you believe that rising CO2 is not a significant problem, and what is it that you understand about CO2 and the history of climate on planet Earth that physicists and climatologists don't?

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