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Comment Re: Do the same for EMAIL (Score 1) 121

Point is, the only CA I trust is the one I created myself. And by this I mean: self-signed certificates are the most reliable. And by this, I imply: "net of trust" type trust is generally the best solution. And that's why I conclude that CAs are generally shitty, because I don't know who signs what there and I consider PGP as the best solution for handling of trust.

Comment Re:Had to be done (Score 1) 148

XFCE famously dropped FreeBSD support for some functions in their file manager for example. Gnome told us to FSCK off entirely.

This is true.

Since then, I've been searching for window managers (I've already given up with full desktop environments, because they install much crap I never need and are slow). I used OpenBox quite long, because it was easy to manage.

One day being bored not trying out anything new, I installed Xmonad for fun. It was a good laugh because of the simplicity... I could not write Haskell code. I found some interesting configurations online and began to learn Haskell. After learning some basics about the functional language, I extended an existing configuration, made it more abstract and now... ... ...

I am still sitting here and have Xmonad on my desktop. I think it's the longest time I've ever used a single window manager as my personal choice. Absolutely stunning. ...

Comment The same way we need to keep init standard? (Score 1) 360

A while ago... the common init startup procedures have been ignored by the Linux community and they developed their own Unix-incompatible way to start the system and even pollute many common applications with it so incompatibilties will be everywhere soon. And it keeps going on with KDBUS and so on..

Now when OpenBSD touches a central library it is ultimately bad for everyone, even when they don't destroy compatibility as much as it seems. Who uses VMS or pre-Windows-2000 systems today? Most of those people don't care about a new version of SSL anyway.


Apple, Google Vying For Mobile Game Exclusivity 52

An anonymous reader writes "Here's an interesting look at the battle for mobile video game money between Google and Apple. 'Last August, for the launch of "Plants Vs. Zombies 2," a highly anticipated sequel to a popular zombie-survival strategy game, publisher Electronic Arts Inc. struck a deal with Apple, which promoted the game prominently in its App Store, according to people familiar with the matter. In exchange, one of these people said, EA agreed to give Apple about a two-month window of exclusivity for the title, which wasn't released on Google's Android software until October.'"

Comment Re: OP's a fucking idiot. (Score 1) 110

I don't want to defend his rudeness (I don't like it), but when you don't find the answer in your WoT you should notice it and extend it appropriately.

Many people here understand what it means to trust a CA and we all know how big companies are treated in the US (they are not even allowed to speak about it and I always assumed that such situation you can find only in the most shittiest countries in the world).

I still prefer to trust my WoT because it is ME who gives trust to others and not some people or companies without names that I personally don't know and cannot control.

Comment Re:MAC filtering and PSK (Score 2) 150

MAC filtering even lowers security. Some lazy crackers might have not changed their MAC when they are attacking and it could be easier to identify them next time. When they are spoofing MACs they use your own MACs which they see on your network. You basically (could) lose information about the attackers. And this is bad.

Comment Let the developer choose their tools by themself (Score 1) 627

I am quite experienced in developing software (daily job for over a decade) and I wrote millions of lines of code. I don't use an IDE because I don't like to depend on much software while developing. It also helps to be portable (which is quite important!) and helps to hop to other workstations without headaches. And lastly an IDE does not have the power of a decent text editor (which is quite obvious, because such a decent text editor has been optimized for many years to support programmers and it can never compete with this massive crowd of people steadily improving things).


... I don't like to tell people what they should use. Many people feel comfortable with an IDE because of the alternative form of completion and code navigation. This is ok, if they are efficient. If I was forced to use an IDE-based editor which does not integrate my favorite editor, I would miss about 95% actions which I use very intensively to get my work done quick. It's like some took away my hammer (tool) and gave me a shoe (wrong tool) to put a nail into a wall. I always say: it will work, but it will take longer, because it slows me down.

Fortunately, most people respect my choices because I am one of the more important developers in our company, but I can see that many companies actually force tools upon developers, which is quite bad in my opinion. Tools are always to be selected for a specific problem. Programming happens in the brain. Tools are just supporting the output. Consequently it does not depend on what tools you use to decide if you are a good developer (I admit, it can be a hint) but on the way you approach problems.

Comment Re:Sigh. (Score 1) 279

As a FreeBSD user, I laugh here silently about all your Linux problems. It's funny to see Linux distributions still use this SystemV crap, when everyone else already offers modern solutions for this. Linux does not even have an adequate devd/devfs solution, redesigned the dev-system several times and it is still bad. Now you get what you deserve... systemd and we can even laugh harder at you.

The only thing that hurts is probably that systemd might become the next hald oder consolekit which costed everyone years of development in wrong direction.

Sometimes, it would make sense to take a look at how others solve problems and learn from it (instead of re-inventing the wheel wrong the 4th time).

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