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Comment Yeah, let's play madlibs (Score -1) 760

First half of this rambling, incoherent response:

Conclusion: Good because Jews.. uh, I mean "rich evil 1%ers! I used the politically correct code word!" have it coming for some reason and treating people equally under the law is racist.

Second half of this rambling, incoherent response:
People should be treated Equally!* Look at all the repression of some people just because of who they are! We need to get whitey** because SOCIAL JUSTICE!!

* Not really, what he's really saying is subtle racism that's common amongst white-elites who "know what's best" for the underprivileged: Assuming black people are literally too stupid to follow the same rules as everyone else.

** Hey Asians guess what: You're now white so it's impossible to discriminate against you! Congratulations in your new status within our new race-based groupthink hierarchy!

Mad-lib time:
s/rich/black/g from the first half, and all of the sudden discriminating against blacks is now good... The only difference is that the author started out with preconceived bigotries (rich = inherently evil, black = always innocent and oppressed) and applied twisted logic to come to the conclusion he wanted. The only difference between the author and most Klan members is that they apply the same illogic to a different set of bigotries.

We are all dumber for having read this post.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Comment Re:Unlocked (Score 0) 51

Wow there AC. You seem to have posted quite the copy & paste job there accusing Intel of all sorts of nefarious stuff.

We all know that Intel is obviously just a vast evil criminal conspiracy whose entire purpose is to destroy Linux, which is why Linus Torvalds bravely chose to only run Linux on ARM starting in 1974. This article is a lie:

So to whom do you give your fanboy allegiance that you use as an excuse to lie at will? AMD or somebody more creative? Have you considered kidnapping homeless people and harvesting their organs to raise money for Richard Stallman? We wouldn't want to be negative in the Freedom Dimension, now would we?

Comment Congress needs to butt out of science! (Score 2, Insightful) 394

I'm tired of these evil republicans going on witch-hunts after scientists! Those evil right-wingers hate anyone who disagrees with their religion and [interrupted, whispers]..

Oh wait, this is a brave Democrat who is uncovering a vast evil conspiracy because some evil slimeball had the gall to say that global warming is real but that the apocalyptic predictions of natural disasters made by the religion of Environmentalism aren't supported by real facts*.

Carry on, burn him at the stake, expose all of his emails because only those who exercise the faith properly have a right to privacy.

* Seriously, it's now considered blasphemy to say that Global Warming is real but that the world hasn't ended. You know what's funny? Those wacky Christian radio guys who predict the end of the world at least have the decency to admit the world didn't end the next day. Being in the religion of Environmentalism means you don't even have to exercise that level of introspection.

Comment Sigh not a breakthrough... (Score 0) 142

"using a vast database of annotated examples"

Oh Rlly? You have a massively perfect training set and things just magically work better? I'm shocked.

It reminds me of the paper I read about a "breakthrough" in text processing that mysteriously used the exact same algorithms already known in the field. When you went through the finer details of the paper you found that they had the grad-student slave manually go through all the training pairs and select the "correct" training data. Shockingly enough the hand-tuned results worked better when applied to an artificially narrowed test set....

Comment Fear Mongering FTW (Score -1, Troll) 213

Fascinating. I could literally find every one of those points out of some bible-thumping "end of days" doomsday cult sermon and it would be ripped apart as the ramblings of some anti-science luddite.

Slap an "Oxford" label on the exact same arguments and repackage it a bit? You get "news".

Comment Re:ATI/AMD has had shitty drivers for 20 years (Score 1) 160

In no way shape or form is Mantle "open".

Don't believe me? Go ahead and link to the online documentation that tells me how to make a triangle pop up on a screen using Mantle.... Go ahead I'm waiting.

That's not even taking into account the fact that Mantle works with Windows and uh... Windows.

Direct3D: Also not "open" but anyone with a working Windows installation can still write & compile programs that use Direct3D to do graphics without any further licensing needed, and Direct3D is documented.

OpenGL: Actually is Open and if you keep up with the newer releases you'll note that a lot of the miraculous features promised in Mantle seem strangely similar to features that were already available in OpenGL.....

Comment Re:ATI/AMD has had shitty drivers for 20 years (Score 1, Insightful) 160

Pray, could you tell me about how Intel "illegally" pounded ATI -- you know, the discrete graphics card company -- into the ground illegally? I know that way way back in the day, long before AMD's very ill-advised $6 Billion boondoggle buyout -- that Intel tried to launch a discrete graphics card, but it didn't go anywhere and didn't seem to phase Nvidia, AMD, or 3dfx (yes, it was THAT old) in the slightest.

P.S. --> If Big Bad Intel was really that Big & Bad at "pounding" AMD, then where did AMD get that $6 Billion for a massive buyout of ATi in the first place??

P.P.S. --> Why is it that Nvidia, ARM licensees, and everyone else seem to have no fear of Intel, but whenever it comes to AMD the only thing we hear are these made-up persecution fantasies? Is everyone else... or maybe is it just AMD?

Comment Get in your 2 minutes of hate now! (Score -1, Troll) 894

Pope says Global Warming Bad! Enact Ecotopia now!
Slashdot Crowd: Pope agrees with our preconceived notions, GOOD! All that crap we say about how anyone religious should just STFU and die*? We take it back!

* Exception for Muslims of course since we love to call all Christians evil barbaric murders but are too chicken to do it for the "religion of peace."

Pope says: Freedom of Speech should be limited!
Slashdot crowd: Religion is EVIL! STFU AND DIE POPE!!

Good Atheist Liberals: Basically agree with the Pope but couch their censorship argument in politically correct terms like "cultural diversity" and the fact that Muslims are a "poor oppressed minority"

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