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Comment Re:Meaningful Competition? (Score 1) 97

I don't see how a government takeover will enhance competition.

Can you point me to where in any of the linked articles this coalition is talking about takeovers? I've assumed that their goal was to offer a competing service to the telcos, not to takeover any existing telco service(s).

Comment Re:Hasn't intelligence improved the world? (Score 1) 583

For who? Arguably yes, intelligence has improved our lot in life, but there are a heck of a lot of species that don't exist anymore, or will cease existing in the near term future because of our actions.

If we remove the artificial, and instead grab a slice of humanity and make it a lot smarter than the rest of us, do you think things will remain peachy for the rest of us? How are the other great apes doing these days?

Comment Re: Snowden (Score 1) 221

Right. So the US didn't care enough to Assange to even watch him and inform the Swedes when he left the country, nor to inform the UK police (or simply stop him) when he jumped bail and fled to the Ecuadorian embassy... but despite not even taking the time to watch him... [snip].

LOL, nobody needed to watch or keep track of Assange - that media whore announced his friggn' location everywhere he went. Anyways, I was just responding to the assertion that charges even matter when it comes to this sort of thing. If the US wants a non US citizen residing almost anywhere - especially western Europe - the US will have them. If you believe otherwise, well...OK then.

Comment Re: Snowden (Score 2) 221

There are no charges. The GP is correct.

mmm...since when has the US needed charges to pluck a non-US citizen off the streets of a foreign country? After all, there's "lacunae in the relevant legal frameworks" that allows our agents to "arrest" wanted individuals anywhere else in the world without nary a charge being filed.

Comment Which patents, exactly? (Score 1) 224

Seriously, numbers.

I ask because a large number of patents are, well, junk and will be thrown out at the first legal challenge. If you have one of those, quit worrying about it. You don't actually have anything of value. I used to deal with a fair number of people who were working full time somewhere and trying the software-based startup route. Having a patent on something obvious was common. I didn't really expect any of them to survive a legal challenge.

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