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Comment Re:Smoke weed every day (Score 1) 365

Do you have any idea how WEAK that quote you posted is? "Concern" it "may" do this or that? Compared to the known deadliness of tobacco that unfounded nonsense is laughable.

The paragraphs leading up the "side effects" you list admit proper peer reviewed scientific studies on any harmfulness are very, very lacking.

Comment Re:So fast? Wow! (Score 1) 189

I really don't know anyone that uses it. Mate, Cinnamin, KDE, xfce4....but no GNOME users.

I've Debian 8 testing with default desktop in a vm....GNOME still awful for me. Won't even talk about systemD troubleshooting which was the purpose of making that vm

Comment Re:So far so good (Score 1) 166

The claimed goal in the article was " recording all the aspects of modern software and operating systems "

That means systems that make things, control things, track money, etc. Not just entertainment devices which are of far less import to future historians, archeologists, technologists, engineers, etc.

If you're only worried about things with popular appeal, I'd submit for consideration recording all extant porn would be of greater interest in future years than our games

Comment Re:So far so good (Score 1) 166

so far so bad, the most important wares from the past run on the category you excluded, various non-IBM mainframe architectures that helped rule the business world in decades past, besides the pre-1964 IBM ones. Instead you are focused on geek toy/hobbyist/consumer ones.

Comment Re:Not just Linux (Score 1) 716

eh? the purpose of BSD was to be a general purpose OS, which it is. OpenBSD scales from embedded controllers for elevators to at least 64 cores systems including big Sun/Oracle iron and x86-64 It runs the usual web server stacks, many modern desktops, multimedia apps, chromium browser, java, all the common scripting languages, gcc is it not a general purpose OS?

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