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Comment Re:Double Irish (Score 0) 825

The real problem is that companies can be headquartered anywhere! America benefits hugely from having the US be the home of choice for corporate HQs. Lots of high-paying jibs here because of that. But enough BS like this and there simply won't be any large US corporations any more.

We don't need a corporate income tax anyhow. We tax wages, and we tax distributions via dividends and capital gains - what exactly do we accomplish by taxing the corporation itself? We're going to tax that same money anyhow, so we're better off keeping the US as the preferred HQ location for multinationals.

Comment Re:Double Irish? TAX ALL FOREIGNERS!!! (Score 1) 825

The loser here is Hillary Clinton. To win in the general election, she has to position herself as a moderate centrist, that can win in the Midwest, and maybe even pick off a Southern state. But by steering the Democratic party into hare-brained anti-business claptrap, Obama is diminishing her ability to do that.

I can see that as an intended consequence - Obama makes history as the first black President, then gets overshadowed by first woman President. Does it make sense for him to enhance his place in history by making sure the first woman doesn't come along for another dozen years or so?

Or am I just off my meds today, and seeing conspiracies everywhere? And what are you looking at me for?

Comment Re:Rhetoric lesson (Score 1) 262

Useful clue:

Calling someone an idiot for not knowing your buzzwords of choice does NOT persuade him to your side of an argument.

And if you actually want change in the world, persuading other people to your side of the argument is helpful to your side.

Of course, if all you want to do is bitch in your little echo chamber, carry on as you have been....

Comment Re:w***e ? (Score 1) 262

"disenchanted/upset customer"? Clearly, you haven't worked in tech support, or known anyone who has, or read any of the blogs or horror stories, or, really, informed yourself in any way about this. Humans have a bell curve of both "crazy" and "mean", and the tail end of either is not something you'd ever want to come into contact with.

Comment Re:Create a $140 billion business out of nothing? (Score 2) 458

But Jobs didn't want third party applications on it. There was no App Store. And when prompted about third party apps, Jobs envisioned some kind of web app system. But he didn't want the perfection of the iPhone soiled by third parties.

I understand that's entirely wrong. Apple understand the danger of pre-announcing. The "no apps" position was to get people to buy the iPhone as it was in version 1, rather than wait. The "web apps" position was to have something to tell developers at a time when the SDK was far from ready to announce. But Apple were intending to have third party apps right from the point they selected a cut-down OSX OS.

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