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Comment Re:1KWh for under $100? (Score 1) 214

That's a pretty bold claim considering a 1KW lithium ion battery currently cost 10x that.


Harddrive prices fell that fast. Or perhaps faster. In my lifetime, they increased in capacity by a factor of 100,000 or so, and the price per HDD fell by a factor of five or more (100000x the drive for 1/5th the money)....

Comment Re:boss hog found a way to take of duke brothers (Score 1) 818

Nah. They'll just rename it General Grant and put a US Flag on top. They'll have to change the horn, too. They'll make it toot out Yankee Doodle instead of Dixie.

Nah, make it General Sherman. The way it rips through the south makes that a more appropriate name...

Comment Re:I hate and despise - but they should still be s (Score 1) 818

Some people say the flag means that, some people say it means states rights, who knows. But do people actually believe someone who flies the flag is saying bring back slavery or a succession from the Union? Maybe they just want to stand for a weaker Federal government, something many people support today.

The states rights issue is really not a valid one as regards to the reasons behind the Civil War. The southern states were all in favor of forcing northern states to obey the Fugitive Salve Laws and for the federal government to use its power to enforce them over objections of the states; what they didn't like was the specter of the Federal government enforcing laws they didn't like in their own states. So the next time someone brings up states rights as the argument for succession you can point out the hypocrisy in their argument. I realize you are not making that argument and not saying you are being hypocritical, rather pointing out the fallacy of that argument.

Comment Re:Trabant was light too (Score 1) 134

I smelled something else coming form these guys. FTFA

"The vehicle, called the Blade, has 1/3 the emissions of an electric car and 1/50 the factory capital costs of other manufactured cars."

Smells like bullshit to me...

While the factory cost claim may be true since you are not investing in a lot of very large, specialized machinery but adapting and scaling a technology, that has been proven capable of being used to manufacture vehicle parts that are eagle to congenitally made parts, that is much less capital intensive. The amazons, claim, how ever is odd, since an electric vehicle has zero emissions relative to a gasoline or diesel engine; perhaps they are looking at the life cycle emissions and adding in emissions from production and distribution?

I could see this technology initially taking off as a kit car product where you build your running gear from this and then add the body of your choice to it.

You could also easily manufacture custom mounts and other bits specific to a spec

Comment of course it will be a default (Score 1) 328

since that insures greater penetration. Th next step is for other software companies that cut deals with search engines to then push an update of their product with their provider as the default choice. I could see some releasing an update that does little more than update the search engine default.

Comment Shades of Methuselah's Children (Score 4, Insightful) 57

Shame it won't work the way it did in that story.

Still, a major step, especially for the rarer bloodtypes. Be nice to not have to depend so much on donors, especially since donors are way more likely to have loathsome diseases transmitted via blood than any lab-grown blood....

Comment Re:I'm spending 60% of my monthly income on rent (Score 3, Informative) 940

The solution is to drop the birth rate and immigration.

US birthrate is below replacement rate now. Population increases are entirely due to immigration, legal and otherwise.

BLOCKQUOTE>Access to water, food, transportation, trade, and industry, and the increasing shortage of arable land, are all squeezing available living space and ruining the dream of "owning you rown home".

Umm, no. What's ruining the dream of "owning your own home" is the hidden qualifier "any place I happen to want to live".

I own my own home. Ditto my parents and siblings. And my cousins. And children of same are mostly paying off mortgages. Mostly because we didn't choose to live in places like Silly Valley or LA or NYC....

Comment Re:Musk is a busy man. (Score 1) 169

A 20 minute data Lag for a modern CEO could cause major business issues.

A multibillion dollar corporation that requires the CEO on call every minute of every day is filled with complete incompetents on every level. I can't even imagine a decision that requires the CEO to be available 24/7 - if nothing else, running the decision past the legal department gives enough padding that the CEO will have hours, if not days to make any decision....

Comment Re:Nuclear? (Score 2) 308

Not a lot of storage is necessary as long as electricity is never priced below market equilibrium

Those of us who have to run our air-conditioners 24/7 seven+ months of the year disagree. A lot of storage is necessary, or a lot of the energy producers have to be baseload. For which read "nuclear"....

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