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Comment Re:Purely out of curiosity (Score 1) 692

People are still annoyed by obnoxious cell phone users.

Yeah, that was the point.. It is getting worse and there is no sort of etiquette established by society yet. That Microsoft commercial for the MicroPhone was about this behavior. In metropolitan areas it is really bad. In New York, people are texting on the highway (which is never a straight line) constantly, and in the city people just stop in the middle of a jam packed sidewalk. This morning a guy on a scooter pulled one out at the stoplight, and failed to notice the light had changed.

Comment Re:Purely out of curiosity (Score 3, Informative) 692

I'll never forget the day when people walking around gesturing and talking to the air apparently stopped being crazy behavior and began to be perfectly acceptable behavior. It was sometime during 1999, right before the internet bubble burst. I miss those days. Now people don't look up from their smart phones to do the things they need to do, such as cross the street, disembark an elevator, talk to their families, etc.....

Comment Re:Misleading (Score 1) 197

Does anyone here know how to read government intelligence agency speak? I do, I watch several relevant TV shows. This case is closed, it quite clearly says the following: "Google and the NSA work very closely together, in fact Google was funded from the beginning with intelligence money and VC with this very idea in mind. None of this ever happened. Nothing to see here, please move along."

Comment Re:Leaving the top 10% behind in the initial relea (Score 1) 443

At my (fortune 500) shop, we have several versions deployed, and nobody on Studio 2 is clamoring for an upgrade to X. We have no plans to force them to spend money or force them to upgrade. This is the real world. We just replaced a grass valley deck that had been in use for about 20 years. We only replace stuff that needs replacing, no need to interrupt valuable billable hours to muck about with upgrades.

Comment Re:Nice? (Score 1, Insightful) 188

If you want to take out crime - do it at the source or check the cause for the crime first./i?

Shouldn't be too difficult to rearrange the worlds wealth equally, distribute the workload evenly to the populace, remove humans innate competitiveness, get rid of all people that are insane / have no self control, control the crazy teenagers and rewrite the rules of most societies. Lets get to work on that....

Comment Re:Long term hotmail users? (Score 2) 298

If this same incident happened to Gmail, the story wouldn't just be a tech news article, it would be headline mainstream news.

I think that google takes it all much more seriously that "hotmail". Microsoft just wants to have a player in every game. Google wants
to win the championship ring. Google's revenue comes from serving ads on every gmail viewers page. Microsoft could do without ad revenue
and still be a viable company. Google could not.

Comment Re:What's not to like? (Score 1) 284

Although you have a point, I think it is safe to assume that if someone's house is broken into, he will report it. The same is true for most violent crimes.
I agree it is a bit more problematic for White-Collar and technological crimes, since many times the victim is unaware of being attacked. Although the uncaught criminal rate may be higher than in violent crimes, I still think most are caught. And sorry, no citation.

Actually you are wrong. Less than 50% of these cases are ever cleared.
Source: 2006,2007 FBI Unified Crime Report (google it)

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