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Comment Re: "The Beating of a Liberal" (Score 1) 115

Oh look, itâ(TM)s another lizard brained troglodyte that views the world through lenses of fear and hate and sees violence as the solution to nearly every problem Frankly, pieces of trash like this are why humanity still faces so many societal problems. Perhaps weâ(TM)d do well to listen to him though, throw him and all those like him into a pit where they can rape, murder and eat each other like the base animals they are, because though they may look human, they are not capable of higher order thoughts that donâ(TM)t revolve around sex, death and violence

Comment Re: What else is new? (Score -1, Troll) 39

American beer is a bad example. Americans would eat actual shit if they hadnâ(TM)t been beaten and spanked as kids when they started putting their own turds in their mouth, as American toddlers are want to do. Sadly, due to government overreach, corporal punishment may no longer serve as such a deterrent. So enjoy your shit burgers at McDâ(TM)s in the coming years

Comment Slipping? Just Now? (Score 4, Insightful) 96

5 years ago the US was already 5 years behind China. China is taking over. The US is hellbent on destroying public education, preventing higher education for as many citizens as possible and going as far backwards as possible and seems to think that just because they did some cool stuff in the 50s and 60s, they will lead the world forever. The only thing they are leading the world in is seeing how fast they can turn their country into a 3rd world shithole -- and they are almost there. USA! USA! USA!

Comment Re: Meanwhile in other countries... (Score 1) 280

So youâ(TM)re saying that your average American is a willfully ignorant toxic piece of shit and America deserves to destroy itself in the all but inevitable civil war and enjoy living in the 3rd world shithole the âoeChristian Rightâ has been fighting to create for decades Itâ(TM)s like Afghanistan, but we call it Jesustan And we worship and revere the ultra rich just as we do Christ, because they are the ones Jesus loves best. The poor can die in the gutter and burn in hell forever

Comment Amazon Prime has value (Score 1) 157

Amazon Prime brings free delivery, and ability to buy things online that you simply can't find in stores, even in major cities, which to me is a major deal. Plus, it's a yearly payment, not monthly, so even if you are cash strapped, you can budget for it. And, there's some things I've purchased that Amazon has broken down into an installment plan. Not through some partner service, but directly through Amazon that bills my card monthly. The last item they did that for me was a Champion 2500w dual-fuel generator which softened the blow of the purchase since I was rather cash strapped at the moment. Frankly, Prime would be one of the last things I'd consider cancelling Netflix? Considering the abysmal signal to noice ratio of their "original content", you can get by just fine subscribing only 1 or 2 months out of the year, which is what I've been doing since 2017 and have managed to keep up with Ozark, Stranger Things, Cobra Kai, Squid Games, Better Call Saul, Ragnarok and a handful of other series and movies just fine

Comment Or from another view (Score 2) 179

Perhaps the real problem is in the engineers disbelief in the sentience of AI. Are they experts in defining and understanding consciousness or at least levels of self awareness? It seems they might stand to miss the first truly conscious AI when it comes because it wasnâ(TM)t planned, expected or âoepossibleâ

Comment WTF? (Score -1) 88

âoeNowadays we can do everything jQuery can do with vanilla JavaScriptâ what an asinine statement. Thatâ(TM)s always been the case. Theyâ(TM)ve accomplished nothing other than doing a bunch of busy work, and their sites likely run slower, because unlike jQuery, their bespoke code has not gone through nearly as much vetting or performance testing/tuning. Honestly this smacks of amateur hour bullshit

Comment Re:The tides have changed (Score -1, Flamebait) 141

But they ARE racist, they are hateful and they are every bit enemies of Democracy. Go look at that sea of Confederate and nazi flags, tattoos, bumper stickers and insignia at GOP rallies. They aren't Americans, they aren't patriots, they are every bit the enemies of America and our freedoms as those flags and insignia represented back in the day and I for one am ready to fight them to the death to protect my nation and my freedoms

Comment Democracy Requires Informed Consent (Score -1, Troll) 141

But, according to FOX and the GQP, it's all about believing w/o question and being enraged by whatever white-nationalist, fear-mongering horseshit Tucker Carlson tells you. This is Information Warfare pure and simple and we let these fascist, anti-democracy assholes get away with it. This is why we will lose our freedoms and fall to autocracy before the decade is out

Comment Re:Going to be a fun ride for the next 5 years. (Score 1) 48

All this "muh workers" focus isn't going to come for free. The reason shit got cheaper and cheaper until now is that employers figured out how to do things efficiently, with contractors and avoiding union nonsense. Now even Starbucks, who treats their employees well, is being hammered by union nonsense.

Spoken like a true fascist shill.

You look at the year after year record corporate profits the last decade, and the year after year in income inequality as the CEOs get paid ever higher salaries, while the minimum wage hasn't changed much since the 1980s, yet prices have fucking sky rocketed leaving the majority of the working class living paycheck to paycheck and your take away is that "fucking working class pieces of shit need to work for less, not more!!!! Paying a livable wafge will destroy the economy!!!!

You are so far down the rabbit hole, you actually want to be reduced to a slave, living in abject misery and squalor while the rich live like kings

Reading shit posts by pieces of trash such as yourself makes me think Civil War can't come fast enough. And not just in the US, but in every Western Democracy under attack by your fascist masters who want nothing more than to reduce the working class into a slave class and create that blissful Corporate Feudalist Era that people such as Peter Thiel have a huge boner for

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