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Comment Re:Military defines "edge" differently than we do (Score 1) 117

To be fair, when it comes to weapons technology, you can never be too far ahead of the rest. We learned in WWI that simply using the same weapons and armor on naval ships or following the same battlefield tactics and technology (trenches and machine guns) as all the other players resulted in long drawn out bloody battles that typically resulted in a inconclusive outcomes with mass casualties. In WWII the Nazis showed us what years of heavy R&D can achieve when it comes to beating your enemies into submission. Remember -- most of Western Europe fell with barely a whimper and the sole hold-out, England was shelled relentlessly with weapons technology unmatched by even the US till well after the war.

Comment Car as Mobile Office? (Score 1) 144

I think a safer bet would be to predict that by 2030, the Average American, no longer able to afford a home or pay exorbitant rents in the major Metro Areas will turn to Self Driving RVs that feature a small smart car or scooter module for zipping around town to serve as their mode of transportation, mobile office and domicile

Comment What Exactly is "Life" Anyway (Score 1) 307

These "Astrophysicists" are incredibly short sighted if they think we have any idea as to the variety of life forms that exist throughout the universe from our limited view from our ecosystem on the Planet Earth. Sure -- we might have a pretty good understanding as to some of the life forms we might see in a yellow dwarf star system on a rocky planet with a nitrogen and oxygen based atmosphere -- but who's to say what life forms may exist in other galaxies, or what comprises an organic body or living entity? Why couldn't a nebula for instance, form some sort of organic neural network that allowed it to sense and convey information around itself? How could we say that a space dwelling life-form that subsists on radiation as we do on water is implausible? What type of life would we see in our own solar system on moons that have liquid methane oceans rather than liquid water?

Comment Fearful Group To Be Avoided At All Costs (Score 3, Interesting) 481

"It's unlikely that a high school student would come away with any other conclusion than the police are a fearful group to be avoided at all costs,"

That's EXACTLY what the police are these days and if you claim otherwise you are either a pro-police and pro-police state shill or hopelessly naive about the current state law enforcement and Criminal Justice inAmerica that is more focused on creating criminals so they can imprison people and confiscate property than keeping people safe. I myself am a white guy in my early 40s and have had Criminal Justice delivered unto me. My crime? Stepping outside to my home after a few drinks to talk to a police officer regarding a public disturbance. I was immediately cuffed without cause, hauled off to jail and when I asked why I was arrested, I was choked, stomped on, pinned down by 4 officers and suffocated till I nearly passed out from asphyxiation. I am now facing criminal charges for "public intoxication" and "obstruction of justice". And have to spend several thousand in legal costs to defend myself in court. A very high price to pay for trying to be a good samaritan. So yes -- fear the police And for fucks sake, avoid them at all costs.

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 5, Insightful) 50

Because cracking the code is a rewarding achievement unto itself? You sound like a highly unimaginative workaholic who can't comprehend why someone would do something purely for the novelty, entertainment or pure enjoyment of the act itself. To you, everything must have some sort of tangible reward such as a paycheck or prize. I feel sad for you. I mean, why do you bother to live? For what purpose? Clearly you find no satisfaction here, aside from working for a paycheck.

Comment Ted Cruz is Already Attacking Net Neutrality (Score 5, Informative) 706

Seems Ted Cruz is not wasting any time in opposing Obama on Net Neutrality by calling it "ObamaCare for the Internet", a laughably stupid hyperbolic statement only a complete moron would make -- unfortunately, he's got a support base of tens of millions even bigger morons who will think this idiotic statement is actually accurate.

Comment Re:Coastal people live in their own universe (Score 2, Insightful) 264

I'm sorry, are beaches not a resource? Are they not found in nature? Do they not provided a habitat that has it's own ecosystem? Do they not act as a buffer between the tides and habitable/irrigable land? The only person not rational here is you - because you are clearly too much of a fucktard to understand what a natural resource is, much less understand what value these resources might have aside from consumption and exploitation. Yes, beaches are a natural resource and yes, like other natural resources, they need protection from brainless consumer pieces of shit like you who take take take and eat eat eat like hungry little piggies with no thought of consequences or appreciation of nature at all.

Comment Don't Ask It Silly Questions... (Score 1) 286

Using seamless digital displays around the cabin sounds very much like the displays inside Blaine the Mono from the Dark Tower series. Personally, I think this could be rather cool - especially if they had some augmented reality features that provided info on areas of interest, or if they showed pre-recorded video capture from other flights during clear weather to display in place of clouds when flying over weather systems. And when the plane starts in an uncontrolled descent, they can show a pretty landscape and while playing relaxing music while the passengers get an oxygen high from the O2 masks to help make their final moments less stressful.

Comment Re:Mind Numbing Stupidity (Score 0) 372

I did read the article on the NYT. However I was not aware that it's not contagious until symptoms set in. But still -- you completely passed up my my point which was WHY THE FUCK AREN'T WE ENFORCING MANDATORY QUARANTINE UNTIL THE WINDOW PASSES? I know-- the horror of using common sense and not simply using the "honor system" when dealing with a Biosafety Level 4 contagion is simply outlandish.

Comment Mind Numbing Stupidity (Score -1, Troll) 372

Medical Screener: So I see you've been treating people infected with the Ebola virus Dr. Ebola; Yup Medical Screener: Are you infected? Dr. Ebola: Nope Medical Screener: Ok, ok enjoy your subway ride back to Manhattan. If this is how we're going to manage this outbreak, we are completely screwed. And it's likely already too late. That Dr took a few subway rides and likely infected at least a couple dozen people in the process. Thats more than enough to start a substantial outbreak around the US and likely the entire planet.

Comment Pictures and Logs Prove What Exactly? (Score 1) 64

Both these things can easily be faked, so unless they have something more damning, I'd hardly call this proven as presented on it's own. Now, take it to trial and allow the other side to refute the allegations and provide their own evidence and I will give it merit as "proof".

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Good day to avoid cops. Crawl to work.
