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Comment Re:Not a lack of recall (Score 1) 36

What 2013 PC is not already trash by now?

(not a PC, but a Mac)

My 2013 Macbook Pro, Core i7 with 8GB of RAM and 512G SSD is pretty much interchangeable with my work-issued Macbook Pro 2020 Core i7. In some ways, the 2013 model is better. It has HDMI out, SD card slot, and real function keys.

Comment Re:News? at 11 from NPR (Score 4, Informative) 113

This is one of the things that I've often wondered. Do those crops need to be watered that much?

I live in Utah -- and it's not just whether or not the crops need to be watered as much, it's whether they need to be grown at all. About 80% of our water goes to farming, and about half of that is to grow alfalfa. We then export that for a modest profit as hay -- often to fill empty container ships on their way back to China.

Meanwhile, the Great Salt Lake is shrinking, threatening to turn into a toxic dust bowl, and kill all skiing (no lake effect snow without a lake). The Utah legislature is dominated by conservatives, to they are not concerned about this at all.

Comment Re:They should double the price (Score -1, Flamebait) 42

That's what's happening all over, and is the leading cause of CPI/inflation. Then conservatives run around squealing about government spending being the cause. For all the free-market wisdom that they claim to love, they can't understand that supply chain broken = higher prices = inflation.

I'm glad that Sony, et. all (Nvidia, Nintendo, etc.) are trying to control the fallout from the pandemic.

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