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Comment Re:Most. Transparent. Administration. Ever. (Score 0) 136

Libertarianism starts to fall apart when you realize that government is actually a pretty cool thing. Libertarians are deceiving themselves it they think our world is better run without laws or "government interference". Would you rather actually live in a place where there is complete anarchy? We don't see lines of people at our airports heading to the Sudan.

Comment how about a 6% tax every year instead? (Score 1) 825

If these capitalist leaders are given a one-time tax that they'll fight in court, screw them -- give them a tax every year. Because while it's a capitalist success to buy the legislature and write laws that allow you to keep huge profits out of the US government's hands, it's unpatriotic to screw America for billions in uncollected taxes only gained by successfully manipulating our legislature and screwing American workers.

Comment Re:what size group? (Score 3, Interesting) 175

the 8th graders will be stoked if you can teach them how to make Beats. i suggest garageband if you have macs because it's free. if not, try Reaper because it's free to try (paid license required after x days). also you'll want to load a VSTi for samples, and you can get sample content all over the web although it's far more fun to record your own sounds for making rhythms.

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