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Comment Re:Unreal engine is not free (Score 1) 125

Or you can pay a flat one-time fee of $1500. That also gives you the right to buy the next release, when it comes out, for half price. And since, as a dev, you want to keep the ownership of your toolset instead of leaving it in the hands of your boss, not only because you can take it with you when you leave, but also because you can tinker with it on your own time, it's better for you to buy it outright rather than let the company pay it.

After all, the day you're out of a job is not the day you want to fork out extra $$$ just so you can make a demo to show off your talents.

Comment Re:It took 5 years? (Score 1, Troll) 180

If you had read both the article and the white paper, you would have known that the operators behind the infection purposefully keep the number low to stay under the radar. It has succeeded for at least 5 years (and possibly up to a decade). And who's to say that others won't copy the technique, now that the assembly code for the unpacker is also given in the white paper?

The reality is that the "many eyes" claim of open source is a myth, and gives a false sense of security.

Submission + - CareerBuilder cyberattack delivers malware straight to employers (

An anonymous reader writes: Security threat researchers Proofpoint have uncovered an email-based phishing attack which infected businesses with malware via the CareerBuilder online job search website. The attack involved the hacker browsing job adverts across the platform and uploading malicious files during the application process, titling the documents “resume.doc” and “cv.doc.” Once the CV was submitted, an automatic email notification was sent to the business advertising the position, along with the uploaded document. In this case, Proofpoint found that as a business opens the automatic email from CareerBuilder to view the attached file the document plays on a known Word vulnerability to sneak a malicious code onto the victim’s computer. According to the threat research group, the manual attack technique although time-consuming has a higher success rate than automated tools as the email attachments are more likely to be opened by the receiver.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Fall-out from Bruce Jenner hits close to home +11 funny :-)

By now everyone's heard the news of Bruce Jenner's gender identity not matching up with his physical identity.

Now, last month I rented out my spare bedroom to a guy (his mom vouched for him). Anyway, he's a hockey freak, and the games come on right after the supper-time news broadcasts.

Comment Re:Waitasecondhere... (Score 1) 403

In terms of percentages, the GM switch was a far lower percentage failure rate - and it can be argued that the switches were abused by people putting a wad of keys and remotes on the key chain, something that wasn't done in the past and still doesn't make sense today. The design worked fine for years until this recent trend of having a ton of keys for everything, several remotes, a laser pointer, a usb fob, a mini flashlight, a few RFID devices, and a swiss army knife all on the ring.

Comment Re:Doesn't replace the real thing. (Score 1) 99

Some animals "get it". I remember walking my dogs one night and taking out the laser pointer to get a skunk's attention. Wasn't fooling him for a second - he figured out where the beam was coming from and charged us. Good thing there was a fence between us. And it wasn't a coincidence, because he stopped when I turned it off - and started again when I turned it back on.

Submission + - Scientists have paper on gender bias rejected because they're both women ( writes: A paper co-authored by researcher fellow Dr. Fiona Ingleby and evolutionary biologist Dr. Megan Head — on how gender differences affect the experiences that PhD students have when moving into post-doctoral work — was rejected by peer-reviewed PLoS One journal because they didn’t ask a man for help.

A (male) peer reviewer for the journal suggested that the scientists find male co-authors, to prevent “ideologically biased assumptions.” The same reviewer also provided his own ironically biased advice, when explaining that women may have fewer articles published because men's papers "are indeed of a better quality, on average", "just as, on average, male doctoral students can probably run a mile race a bit faster".

Comment Doesn't replace the real thing. (Score 2) 99

and even a dog on the floor

"Happiness is a warm puppy." Even Charlie Brown and Lucy knew this. An image of a dog is far from the real thing. Hopefully, virtual "reality" will never replace the real thing - though with the number of people living their lives on facebook and twitter, maybe it will help drop the birthrate well below zero when the only sex most people get is cyber.

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