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Submission + - Getting a Price Quote from a Software Vendor

An anonymous reader writes: Why is it so difficult to get a price? I wanted a price for Matlab from Mathworks. I couldn't find a price nor an email address from their website. Instead they wanted me to fill out a detailed web form. Instead, I just emailed the particulars of how many seats of the software I needed to A couple days later, a saleperson emailed asking me to call her. I said I didn't have time. She basically responded that I needed to call her. Mind you, she didn't ask any questions and didn't include any price list. I sent one last email to a cofounder of the company, after which I started getting messages on my voicemail from the salesperson to which I refuse to respond (I guess she googled my phone number). So now, I still have no price despite an email from the cofounder that he'd look into it. Don't they want to sell me the software? Why does the salesperson insist in talking despite my obvious desire to handle this via email? I've had similar experiences with other companies, but none where the salesperson was so stubborn (well as stubborn as me). Is this practice widespread?

Feed News: Child's Play 2006! (

Tycho: The site refresh is now live, so head on over and see if we've got a hospital even closer to you this year. If you live in Egypt, the odds of that are very good.More info next week.(CW)TB
The Internet

Submission + - Jimmy Wales resigns chair at wikipedia

user24 writes: "As reported by Wikipedia's Signpost ezine, "The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees has moved forward with a step in restructuring the organization by reorganizing itself. Following a planning retreat in Frankfurt, Jimmy Wales stepped down as Chair of the board, and Florence Nibart-Devouard was chosen to replace him." ... "Wales, meanwhile, will continue to serve on the board and assume the honorary title of Chairman Emeritus. He will remain active in Wikimedia projects, but chose to pass on the responsibility of heading the board, due in part to his commitments to outside projects.""

Submission + - Banks dropping MS-Money and Quicken features

dotslash writes: Nemertes Research reports the disturbing response of banks to banking regulations aimed at identity theft: Dropping support for MS-Money and Quicken features! .

As of the end of the year, many banks may be dropping support for online direct connections from Microsoft Money and Intuit Quicken while scrambling to comply with new banking regulations. If you are a user of these software applications you may find that you lose features either temporarily or permanently. Features based on direct connections from the software to the bank, such as bill-pay, automatic statement downloads and reconciliations and money transfers will no longer be supported by some banks.

Here's an excerpt of email sent to HSBC customers:

"On December 10, 2006, you will no longer be able to use the DirectConnect feature of Quicken and Money to connect to HSBC's Personal Internet Banking service. However, you can still download your HSBC transactions into your Quicken and Money software using the WebConnect feature. Simply log on to Personal Internet Banking to perform your banking transactions, select "View Accounts", and then "Download a File." Your account transactions can then be imported into your Quicken and Money software."

Submission + - Writing to NTFS in Ubuntu & Debian

antidrugue writes: Nothing new perhaps, but are you doing it ? A could-not-be-simpler guide on how to write to NTFS (Windows) partitions in Debian & Ubuntu. The latest driver from the Linux-NTFS project makes writing to NTFS both safe and easy. I've tested this new NTFS-3g driver for months now. My verdict : ready for prime time !

Read more at Techno Wizah

Submission + - Steve Jobs 2nd Most Valuable Autograph

WallstreetFighte writes: "Steve Jobs has the 2nd most valuable autograph of all living people. Many people are on there because of who they are and what they did. Some are on there because of high demand. Jobs and Neil Armstrong (who is #1) are on there because of what they accomplished but mostly because they simply refuse to sign an autograph. Call them mean, call them selfish, but you have to call them valuable. Jobs autograph is probably worth about 5 thousand dollars but nobody really knows because nothing he signs has recently gone up for auction. Those who have it cherish it and he won't sign for anyone. Especially those who won't cherish it. Rumor has it he is waiting for Armstrong to pass so he can become number one."

DARPA's 'Social Puppet' 109

Roland Piquepaille writes "Videogame creators are heavily using software to animate objects or characters without reprogramming them between two scenes. Now, game designers from the University of Southern California (USC) have developed 'Social Puppet,' a computer engine to 'help soldiers learn unfamiliar languages by interacting with animated characters.' For this project, financed by DARPA, the researchers have used their expertise in previous videogames used by the armed forces, such as 'Tactical Iraqi.' But previous games were focused on teaching language and customs while Social Puppet is giving on-screen characters human non-verbal communication behaviors."

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