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Comment Re:Science can say a lot about what's good and bad (Score 1) 305

We need to preserve the diversity of life to survive.

Right, but what if we engineered ourselves out of this necessity? It's completely conceivable that we could. Do we maintain diversity of living things just because human beings require a diversity of food? Or do species have a right to exist independent of the human need for survival?

Comment Re:200 cycles? (Score 3, Insightful) 132

On the other hand, if they're doubling capacity, then you only need half the number of cycles (it actually even works *better* than that, as li-ion cells prefer shallow charges and discharges rather than deep ones - but yes, fractional charge cycles do add up as fractional charge cycles, not whole cycles). If you have a 200km-range EV and you drive 20 kilometers a day, you're using 10% of a cycle per day. If you have a 400km-range EV and you drive 20 kilometers a day, you're using 5% of a cycle per day.

Comment Re:well then (Score 5, Insightful) 132

Top commercial li-ion capacities are about 30% more than they were 5 years ago. And today's batteries include some of the "advances" you were reading about 5 years ago.

I'm sorry if technology doesn't move forward at the pace you want. But it does move forward when you're not looking. Remember the size of cell phone batteries back in the day?

Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 191

Are you talking about graphics tablets - separate from the screen? Can you point to an actual product you are referring to? I already came back with an affirmative on your WACOM query, if you're being more selective even than that, then be explicit and actually state what you're talking about.

It's pretty obvious how the iOS stylus works, but if you point to what it is you are thinking of it'll be easier to explain by comparison.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 191

That was the most irrational message I've read in a while.

A new hardware feature leaves users of older devices "out in the cold"? How is that different for iPhones than any other smartphone?

And "after a few months"? Android manufacturers release new phones every month. iPhone has a new model once a year. How can you possibly have not worked out that your stupid criticism applies to Android not iPhone?

And windowing? iOS has windowing on the iPad, where it makes sense. Windowing on a phone makes no sense whatsoever. It's too small.

Comment Re:Oblig. Musk stroking (Score 3, Insightful) 249

People that believe in Apple's reality distortion field are the kind of people that fall for perpetual motion machines.

If Apple didn't actually deliver devices that people love, they wouldn't be able to continue to be the most popular brand of smartphones whilst charging a significant premium.

The so called RDF Is a simply a trustworthy brand. A brand is a promise of quality, and even though they aren't perfect, they do deliver better quality than any other manufacturer. They deliver on their promise. They beat all other companies in customer satisfaction surveys year in year out.

Comment Re:Still ugly as sin (Score 1) 249

You need to grow up. A car is to transport you from A to B. If you do a lot of driving then things like power, interior comfort and equipment become important. But exterior looks? You can't even see it when you're driving. You only see it for the few seconds when you're walking towards it to get in.

If you're buying for the looks, you're buying it to show off, because you have an inferiority complex. And a small dick.

Comment Re:Still too expensive (Score 1) 249

If you mean the Commodore PET, then the Apple II beat that by a few months, and indeed Apple does pretty much dominate the market now.

Maybe you mean the VIC-20, but then that's picking an arbitrary definition of "inexpensive". The Atari 400 for example was cheap and earlier, though not quite as cheap as the VIC-20.

Anyhow, that's a bit by the by as Atari isn't in business any more either. Other than Apple very few computer manufacturers from that era do still exist.

If the analogy was a predictor (and they never are) the future would be very bright for Tesla. They are the Apple equivalent - first to market with a worthy product, albeit an expensive one.

Talking of which, the EV market will become really interesting when Apple release their car in a few years time.

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