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Comment Re:DICE OWNS SLASHDOT, disclaimer needed! (Score 1) 292

Yeh, seriously, Nevral's Lobster shows an exceptional lack of journalistic integrity by being an employee of and posting nothing but stories--WITHOUT A DISCLAIMER.

Hm, I hadn't realized that Nevral's Lobster was exclusively a sock puppet. That's fine for the submissions, but not so fine for the accepted stories, which an editor (ideally) more affiliated with Slashdot than other Dice holdings should have curated and appended the standard disclaimer after Nevral's Lobster's quote.

Comment DICE OWNS SLASHDOT, disclaimer needed! (Score 5, Informative) 292

Dear Slashdot editors,

Don't forget your journalistic rigor. I know it's so very often forgotten these days, but I've chosen Slashdot as one of my last "traditional" news outlets (in the sense that it the editors, including Nevral's Lobster, are paid to curate the content) because it used to be better about this. It is irresponsible of Slashdot to omit the fact that Dice owns Slashdot in the article summary.

Comment Re:basically how the UAE works (Score 1) 247

I never understood the whole 'take your passport' thing. I was under impression that if I show up at the US embassy,

First you've got to get to the Embassy. If the country in question requires you to carry your ID card, visa and passport at all times, then the odds of you making it to the Embassy are pretty slender.

Remember, Dorothy, you're not in Kansas any more. The rules of home don't apply there because, uh, you're not at home any more.

Comment Re:And still (Score 1) 196

That way, maybe we will finally get to name its companion "Goofy", rather than that dumbass Charon moniker.

I'm going to assume that you don't know the origin of the name of Charon. It's quite a sophisticated semi-private joke between the rules of astronomical nomenclature and classical literature. "Goofy", on the other hand is just some stupid cartoon joke.

Comment Re:Lost grant funding? (Score 1) 196

some sort of sensible criteria to separate them from asteroids

It does - gravity high enough to deform it into a sphere.

Making Ceres and Vesta planets.

That's OK, I'm cool with an 11-planet solar system. Given the near certainty of there being other spherical planets in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, I'm cool with a solar system of a couple of dozen planets.

Comment Re:And still (Score 1) 196

Really, the only categorization issue that I'm adamant about is that Pluto-Charon is called a binary.

What does describing Pluto and Charon as a binary bring to the conversation? Does it allow you to describe the properties of the entire system without having to individually describe the component parts?

Comment Re: Is there any way to block the use of old ciphe (Score 1) 89

I was thinking server side, for the web server. But yes, you need to ensure every service you provide that uses TLS is properly configured.

I'm not sure how much this would impact something like SMTP-S or IMAPS, since the connection duration on those types of service is so short.

The big target is going to be web servers.

Comment Re:Is there any way to block the use of old cipher (Score 3, Interesting) 89


The question is does OpenSSL accept the weak ciphers as a downgrade bug even when EXPLICITLY DISALLOWD.

I haven't seen answered in any of the linked articles so am digging/testing.

After the last couple of bugs my organization set the explicit cipher/algorithm/has acceptable list. The export ciphers were excluded on purpose from our list.

SSL Labs has a recommended list buried in their documentation somewhere.

Comment Re:Typical government official, breaking the law (Score 1) 538

Nope. The devil is in the details as to the nature of the law being violated.

The difference between a civil offense and a criminal offense are usually defined by the nature of the offense and the punishment assessed. Civil offenses involve violations of administrative matters.

Read more: http://criminal-law.freeadvice...

Comment No, it is NOT free (as in freedom) software (Score 2) 143

I can't find references to the actual license text, but the expectation of paying royalties back to Epic certainly makes it non-free with respect to software freedom. This makes it incompatible in the same sense that the Creative Commons License's "noncommercial" clause is incompatible; most copyleft licenses insist on unrestricted redistribution (which would be broken by a requirement of paying royalties).

The video notes that this is "unprecedented," yet Epic's competitor Id Software used to release all of its engines as GPLv2 once they were ~two generations obsolete (e.g. Doom 3). No royalties expectations necessary.

Comment Re:Perhaps it wouldn’t pass today’s .. (Score 1) 286

The Greenpeace and FoE speakers who I know would be justly ashamed to make such inaccurate claims. Plus they know that if I'm anywhere about, I'll tear them to shreds for such inaccuracy, Which rather destroys the effect they're trying to achieve.

Then again, they're something approaching scientists of one form or another. They have more attachment to truth than to politics.

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