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Comment Re:It's good to be the charity (Score 1) 34

in 2013, the selected charity siphoned (heh) off about $10M from a $35M cash flow for "operations", of which 70% went for the salaries of 67 people. That's about $100K per person...not bad for"nonprofit."

Where did you get the idea that "nonprofit" means, "we don't pay our employees"? Or, "we pay our employees shit"?

It's as dumb as thinking "for-profit" means, "we pay all of our employees well".

Harvard University is a non-profit, and last I checked, they're paying their professors pretty well. Rush Presbyterian hospital is a non-profit, but the head of surgery probably makes more than minimum wage.

Comment Re:I hope it's a publicity stunt (Score 3, Insightful) 118

It might not have anything to do with MGS, but it sure as hell better be a publicity stunt, because anyone involved in an actual human head transplant surgery will need to lose their medical licenses and go to prison for a very long time.

Or be hailed as the greatest surgeon who ever lived.

There is no middle ground with this one.

Comment Re:It is also a supervolcano. (Score 1) 152

Larry Niven used Uranus and nuclear fusion of its atmosphere to move the Earth, via a series of flybys in the story, "A World Out of Time". I personally was thinking more loops of asteroids doing flybys of Earth and Jupiter, slowly transferring velocity from Jupiter to Earth and various other planets and bodies of interest. And yes, while the occasional impact by a misplaced asteroid would suck, getting baked by the Sun probably would suck a lot more.

Comment Re:Oh Really? (Score 3, Insightful) 302

Is there any work that is over 50 years old that still brings in big money?

Come on, you really can't think of any music from the 1950's and '60s that's still bringing in money? Who was that truckdriver from Tennessee with the swivel hips and pouty lips? I think his catalog still makes a bit of money and just about all of his biggest hits were more than 50 years ago. When the Etta James hit "At Last" is used in a Mercedes commercial, or in a popular movie, cash registers are ringing for somebody, but certainly not for anyone who had anything to do with making the music.

The first handful of Beatle albums were more than 50 years ago. Hell, Miles Davis' Kind of Blue still sells pretty steady and that was what, 1959?

The most egregious part of this entire saga is how works that were already in the public domain - movies, music, books - are being removed from public domain. This is why you're seeing so many great old movies removed from Netflix. It's shameful and it's hurting both future generations and the current state of the art.

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