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Comment Re:Do you think that will make any difference? (Score 2) 413

Anywhere else, really.

Europe seems to take this stuff a lot more seriously.

But that's not really needed. What's needed here is to put pressure on the US government, and pulling business out of the US will do just that. Even if the net is still being spied on, enough harm to US corporations will get the lobbyists' attention.

Comment Re:Ok then TURN IT OFF! (Score 2) 290

I don't want to turn it off. I want not to have it. I want it this way so that I can't possibly be counted as part of the TPM market share.

Besides, once it's there, it's trivial to remove the option to disable it, so the option likely won't be stay there for long, once it's widely distributed enough.

Comment Re:America needs to own up to its mistakes... (Score 4, Insightful) 531

No, I think America is pretty apt here.

Obama isn't the dictator of the US. Congress, lobbyists, the NSA and other people are also at fault here, as well as the general population for not being vigilant enough. This sort of thing doesn't happen just because Obama wants it, other people have to agree.

Comment Tepco is suicidal or insanely stupid (Score 4, Insightful) 163

In principle, I think nuclear power is a perfectly sound idea that can be implemented safely and reliably.

But that's in principle. In practice somehow it turns out to be managed by complete morons that even after getting involved in the center of a huge scandal, still manage to show amazing incompetence and disregard for public safety, even when they know perfectly fine that the whole world is paying attention to them, and is already extremely distrustful.

And this state of affairs doesn't do their own industry any good. It's precisely crap like this what results in the replacement of nuclear with coal.

Comment Re:Forgotten (Score 2) 295

It's useful even if you can't do it in 30 seconds.

How about a 1000W charger? That's about a tea kettle, perfectly doable in domestic conditions. Laptop charged in 5 minutes while you have your breakfast.

Sure, the charger will be a bit large, but you can offer both high and low power chargers. High power for the people who have a need for the laptop to be charged quickly. Low power for something you can travel with.

For cell phones it gets even easier, since quite a few can be charged from the 5W USB provides. I'd love a say, 20W phone charger. Still not huge, but capable of bringing a phone into usable state fairly quickly, while I have my lunch at the airport.

Comment Re:Problem... (Score 2) 116

Are you sure you're a real archeologist?

Any interesting artifact these days is obsessed over to an incredible degree. It gets x-rayed, carbon dated, chemically analyzed, stuck in a MRI machine, looked at with a microscope, and the debates about the conclusions that can be drawn from those things last for decades.

Comment Re:Problem... (Score 1) 116

I'd come up with some way of hinting at and explaining the encoding. Here's an idea:

The surface starts with a visible circle, 1 mm in diameter. The next circle is a bit smaller. The next is smaller still, and so on until the size of the bit is reached. This would draw somebody examining the device to trying to see where this detail ends.

Next to this there's a visible, etched ASCII table, with the binary representation for each letter, and an example text that's unlikely to be lost to time, with its binary version.

In the real size bits, there is a progression of: 0, 1, 10, 11... This illustrates how data is encoded. At this point, the etched alphabet should make sense.

Next there is a diagram showing how the data is organized in blocks.

Then there's a diagram highlighting the location of error correction data, and the way it's calculated.

Then there are more diagrams of the logical structure -- a simple filesystem, maybe just a tar file, with one file after another.

After all this, there's finally the data. To make it extra obvious, the blocks can be made to have visible separate, so that the grouping is obvious.

The idea is that you could start looking at the visible details, get drawn to the hidden ones, and have plenty clues along the way to figure out what it all means. And all this could be on every device with plenty room to spare for the real data.

Comment Re:Designer Humans? (Score 1) 153

Lab straints of E. coli have a bone to pick with you. They reproduce through "clones" and evolution still occurs. Even with clones, nothing's perfect, and there's variation within the population.


Though I meant clones in the "clone army" sense, like if some nightmarish dictator decides that from now on, new people are made by producing a million copes of the "perfect factory worker" template.

Comment Re:Designer Humans? (Score 1) 153


Evolution will keep working unless we start just making clones. Even if every human is born from a test tube, there will be still evolution, in the form of say, parents selecting which genes they deem more fit, and the environment and biology will keep rejecting those that aren't compatible enough with life or the environment.

Comment Re:Oh, the joy! (Score 1) 283

This is all black magic to non-DBAs. It is arcane. When I use a file system for storing blobs -- as simple files -- I don't need a DBA. Back in the early years of
modern computers, you needed a file system administrator, for more-or-less the same reasons that you need a DBA now: file systems were fragile. Now, file systems are one of the most reliable parts of computer systems: they Just Work

That's a dangerous and unfounded assumption.

Filesystems are reliable only at the metadata level: if you yank the cord, the system will still boot afterwards. You won't end up with a filesystem doesn't mount, or where the system manages to mix two files up in such a way that writing to one damages another. But that doesn't guarantee much about your precious data. A half written file will be half written, or even corrupted, unless precautions are taken. And those precautions (in which order to write, how to ensure your data is safe, when to fsync) are just as arcane as the database stuff, if not more. Because databases deal with that crap internally and give you a much simplified interface.

Take for instance a simple exercise: writing .jpg files with product images. But just because the file is there doesn't mean it's good, if you crash at the wrong time you might have half an image, or something that seems to be the file, but is really full of junk inside. So you need some way to determine when a file is really fully written. So now you're keeping a list of checksums which is prone to the same corruption, or doing durable renames, which is arcane magic, and still goes wrong when filesystem developers find another way to optimize while following the very lax spec (see the ext4 debacle)

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