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Comment Re:They should send in a giant robotic dog (Score 1) 270

2 wheels, basically just a powered axel with wheels... kinda like a small Segway without the handlebars

Taking the first design you mentioned, the car that works right-side-up or upside down, you could make the two wheeler have the body hanging below the axle, instead of balanced/gyroed on top of it, so that it just naturally balances itself.

Comment Re:speaking of paypal..... (Score 3, Insightful) 309

Actually PayPal and Ebay have been very crafty in avoiding the "Bank" or "Financial Institution" claim.

They are in constant battles with state and federal organizations trying to make sure that they are not deemed a bank as then they would have to play by the rules of the banks. Such as limiting theft, having to take insurance against false or fake transactions.

Comment Re:Free speech and democracy? (Score 1) 869

Errr, you misunderstand. Military courts observe due process. And they believe in innocence until proven guilty. But, I think that most people will readily admit that our current court system has been eviscerated. As evidenced by the corporate trials especially, the biggest bankroll often buys the slickest lawyers, thereby deciding the trial. There are dozens of loopholes in the legal system, commonly taken advantage of by real scum. At the same time, it isn't uncommon to find "guilty" men exonerated by modern DNA evidence.

All things considered, if I were charged with a serious crime, I would rather take my own chances in a military court. The rules are different, but if anything they are more rational.

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