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Comment Re:Hold bonuses in escrow for two years (Score 1) 172

The problem with these schemes is that managers can manipulate events to keep them off the books until bonuses are dispersed... in a way that could seem reasonable.

Fresh out of college, I had a friend who quit a job as an accountant at the local instance of a fortune 500 company because of exactly these kinds of shenanigans. The managers and accountants were all "in" on it, but not explicitly. They would just talk about when the proper time was to put things on the books. It happened to work out to maximize bonuses, shaft certain people, and displace blame. My friend thought it was unethical. Oh, to be young and idealistic again!

Comment Re:I'd rather attribute it to poor writing... (Score 1) 170

I don't think Lost would be possible to follow at all without the Lostpedia.

I don't think that's true at all. You could follow Lost perfectly well simply by watching it and paying attention.

Of course you get more from it by seeing what other people noticed - just like anything else with any depth at all.

Comment Re:Who reads the manual? (Score 1) 457

No, that is not what they are doing. All they are doing is saying 'if you want a license to make commercial works, it will cost you x, if you want to make non-commercial works, it will cost you y'. They are not putting limitations on YOUR product, they are putting limitations on your use of THEIR product. And this is a perfectly valid and normal way of doing business. For instance, look at the difference in cost between leasing space for commercial use, and leasing space for residential use. If you rent residential space and put a business in it, you are going to wind up in court.

The alternative is that everyone, commercial and consumer, pays the same price. Is there any reason why that is any better? Keep in mind that that will most certainly result in an increased price to consumers.

Comment Re:I wouldn't quite call it transcoding... (Score 1) 277

Actually, is it even in an FLV container? I don't watch video on Facebook, so I don't know. What I do know is that H.264 in a MOV or MP4 container, works just as well in Flash as H.264 in an FLV container. If historic content is in an FLV container, perhaps for new content they just changed the default container, so no remuxing is necessary at all.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 941


Exactly! That's why I think the suitable punishment is to have this person's reproductive equipment deactivated. Someone this stupid just shouldn't breed.

This reminds me of a story about England's cracking of the German enigma codes during WW-II. Apparently, Churchill had ordered that, if any action were to be taken based upon information gleaned from the enigma intercepts, that they'd first have to have some other plausible reason for taking that action. For example, when they intercepted the location of a U-boat through the enigma messages, they couldn't just send a bunch of destroyers out there to sink it, because the Germans would have deduced that there was only one way the English could have found out. So, instead, the English arranged to have a reconnaissance aircraft just "happen" to be patrolling the area... spot the U-boat... and then they send the destroyers.

Okay, so back to the brain-dead school official. So, you decide to start surveillance on your students. Okay, I get that. You're a douchebag, but whatever. You discover some student doing something that you don't like and decide that you can't let that go unchecked. Okay. So, what you do then, is concoct some other way to accidentally and legally, "discover" what the student did, and then nail them with that evidence. So, to summarize: do the illegal snooping to discover where to go to "accidentally" discover what you already know. Jesus... how do you not know this? Don't you know any cops?!?!

Comment charger (Score 1) 19

Saw an old charger today, some late sixties model..guessing a 68 or so, heavily modded into a street rod. Good looking but dang I don't want that guy's fuel bill. He had two hugemongous four barrel stacks sticking up out of the hood. I'd have to guess again, proly holley double pumpers. (for back then though I think the studebaker avanti had it over all the rest of the detroit muscle cars for styling)

I'll stick to my boring good mileage and reliability choices over speed I guess, old or new models. Of the newer rides out there, if I was looking for speed and etc, plus at least somewhat decent mileage, on this side of high end Italian or German prices, guess I would pick the nissan gt-r. Next option up is a million buck pizza ride or a veyron...so this is pretty cheap for what it is.

Comment Re:Common argument (Score 1) 154

I don't understand you. You claim there is no competition but you mention a lot of competing markets players: Cable, DSL, Cell. If that is not enough you are lying to yourself. In addition, the main evidence for successful competition is that despite all this worry, High speed internet rates have not risen, have not kept pace with inflation, and have not kept pace with usage (bandwidth) increases. How do you explain that?

Comment Hey, we got some of them in Amsterdam (Score 3, Funny) 409

Me and some gamer mates are going to beat up the Amsterdam chapter of the Hell's Angels. I mean, we are thougher then them right? What could possibly go wrong? They are wusses and I will make sure to tell them loudly and clearly, what are they going to do? None of them has scored as many kills in Counterstrike as I have.

Comment Re:Inherent privacy is dead. (Score 1) 521

Besides, I think we live in a world where we have obscurity through density, instead of obscurity through privacy. Billions of people on this earth, nearly a billion of them connected to the 'net. Embrace it. Eventually, if enough personal data gets out there, it may become worthless to mine it due to the sheer volume available.

I completely disagree. Data mining becomes more effective the more information it has. Connections begin to form. Bogus information begins to stand out. Missing information becomes apparent. Public information transforms in to private information and private information uncovers secrets. The more data points you have to work with, the more successful you are going to be making these connections.

Physical commodities are given value based on scarcity (real or perceived) while raw data enjoys a network effect. So anyone in the business of data analysis is going to be pleased to get as much information as they can get their hands on. There was a time where storage and processing power were expensive. However, as noted by Moore's Law, these things are only getting cheaper and more plentiful. So even "worthless" information costs little to store until a large enough amount has been amassed to become valuable.

Comment Re:The other side (Score 1) 406

To play devil's advocate, giving tax breaks to attract/keep major businesses is a normal thing for state governments.

And stores will often have two-for-one sales. But I don't think they'd be too happy if they caught me shoplifting and I said "heeeey, buddy, how about we make this one of those deals you sometimes run?" They'd bust my balls before they called the cops.

But given Microsoft's size, this is just an illustration of that old saying: "You owe the bank a thousand bucks, that's your problem. You owe the bank a million bucks, that's their problem." Microsoft gets away with it because they're big enough to get away with it.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
