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Comment Re:Unsafe at any speed (above 100 MPH)... (Score 1) 443

Uh, I don't see a lot of halfies in your link. A front engine block may be preventing an outright split, while in a Tesla the "engines" are more distributed. Whether this means gas cars are "safer" or not in practice is another matter.

Maybe the distributed nature of Tesla's engines means that side impacts are safer at the expense of front impacts.

Comment Re:self-correcting (Score 1) 30

Swing and a miss, Ratzo.
It took a millennium and a half for the reformation to try to straighten out Scripture.
The point I made was that Luther incorrectly removed this.

So which would you use to inform your life and society? If you said, "The Bible", then even God thinks you're a moron. Because, way before there was scripture, there was man's ability to reason.

Read the Gospel; specifically read how Jesus reacted to Thomas' skepticism, and his message about those who haven't seen and still believe.

Man's ability to reason is deeply flawed. Man's "reason" once told the Egyptians it was OK to use the Hebrews as slaves. Man's "reason" today says it's OK for women to butcher their children in the womb.

Comment Re:Double edge sword. (Score 1) 73

TinyTower and DreamHeights are very different than Theme Hotel and SimTower. Two of these "games" (aka psychological manipulators) are designed to get you to buy inapp purchases, the other two are actual games.

Oh, come on, that's a distinction without any teeth. I'd say the bigger difference is that the first two are one unit per level, while the latter two allow horizontal expansion. The fact that two have microtransactions and the other two don't is mostly irrelevant.

Comment Re:self-correcting (Score 1) 30

That's to be expected. Liberalism was born from the same tree as religion.

You might be surprised, AC, but I agree with this. Modern Liberalism / Progressivism (also known as fascism) is indeed a religion. The State is worshiped as supreme, the environment replaces the saints, and their unholy sacraments are abortion and gay marriage.

In other words, the Devil himself is who they really worship, the Devil just abstracts that out as the State so the leftists don't realize what master they truly serve.

And if there's anyone who wants to dismiss that... get a history book and learn how many Catholic Clergy got the Guillotine in the French Revolution for not dropping their faith in favor of Robespierre's "Reason".

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