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Comment Re:Beware the incoming LART (Score 1) 122

Say 210 watts system power at the wall. 5000 watts a day. Say $0.20/kWh. That is $1/day. No biggie? That's almost $400 a year. Per server. You claim how many? Funny how one under states power/CPU use but over states the rest. Who you lying for?

Amazon gives you infinite store for $60 a year.

That is why America rulez! and the Greeks druelz!

And if he pays for electric heat, some of that comes back in the form of not needing to heat as much. Even in summer time, sin ome places the basement is too cold to use as living space without heating it.

As usual, do the math and decide for yourself it it works for you.

Comment Re:Careful, they might shoot back (Score 1) 336

They obviously don't care if a person succeeds or not. They only want their name in the media. They share the PR school of Miley Cyrus. They want articles saying that they are attacking people on the mainland US. That will help them win or loss. They want to project international power.

They don't care about the past (destroying ancient Assyrian artifacts) and they obviously don't care about the future (declaring war on the world, killing huge chunks of the population in their area). They only live in the now. The question isn't if they will succeed in their goal. The question is, how long will they be around to annoy / terrorize / kill us all.

They quite literally think they are bringing on the end of days as is in their literature.

Why worry about a few petty details if your goal is "end of the world"?

Comment Re:Fuck those guys (Score 1) 569

That makes a new loop hole: Cop wants someone dead. Cop makes an anonymously swatting call. Cop goes in knowing it's fake and kills the person he wants dead. Cop gets off free.

The police are the ones doing the shooting, not the caller. The cop always has final say if he should pull the trigger or not. Any cop shooting someone else should always be held accountable for that shooting. Most shootings are justified, some are not.

There are already laws against false reports. They should be strengthened.

Something similar to this actually played out recently.

The home owner ended up shooting and killing the right cop (the one with the grudge) and got off. Apparently the other cops didn't like the dead guy much so there wasn't a big rally to hang the innocent home owner.

Comment Re:WTF AM I DOING HERE! (Score 1) 109

Presumably this would be done in a sterile room and that the patient would need to be cleared for any potentially hazardous bacterial infections and the such.

They noted that the BBB is restored within a few hours. Assuredly not a 100% safe treatment to be sure, but that's hardly new in medical science (think of all the potential side-effects listed with every medication. Never mind things like full body irradiation as prep for bone marrow transplants, cutting up (or even out) pieces of the brain to reduce seizures and so on.)

Sometimes the cure is worth taking some risks. Of course "sometimes" isn't the same as "always" and it would need to be determined case by case based on the patient's other co-existing conditions, the will of the family, financial situation, etc.

They are using sound waves. It may be non-invasive and require little more than shaving the target point and applying a lubricant to the skin.

Though, if they are going through the skull there is a VAST difference in what will get through a mouse skull from what will get through a human skull.

Opening the head up to get it done... well that's sort of going to cause other problems so the treatment won't be ethical / used due to risks elsewhere.

Comment Re:"My bad" (Score 1) 667

One manager was really bothered by "my bad", which used to be "my mistake". He called it "gang slang". "My bad" has slipped into common usage it seems to me. I'll avoid it around him, but he came across as a fuddy-duddy. He should be thankful people admit their mistakes, something uncommon around here.

"My bad" just doesn't mean "My mistake."

It means, "there was a mistake, and I expect to not deal with the consequences of that mistake"

It's outright dismissal of someone saying there needs to be a fix.

I am not at all surprised that the guy at your workplace doesn't like it. It's a sign his employees are not doing what they should be doing.

Comment Re: Understanding rules looser than style guide ru (Score 3, Informative) 667

This is really an argument about values, isn't it? Quite a lot of people want "others" (and as your post implies by referring to ebonics, the other here is typically young black people) to value what they value -- a good job in academia or business. And want them to *de*-value, literally, the form of English they have grown up using, and see it as worthless to "getting ahead". This, despite the pretty obvious fact that if you used what you describe as "formal English" in the context in which many people live, it would be detrimental to your interests, just as using ebonics would be detrimental to your interests if used in a merchant bank. It's really about an underlying desire to not want alternative value systems to evolve, in which getting ahead may mean something other than getting a good job at a corporate or institution.

As the guy doing the hiring, you had fucking better share my "values" or at least be able to fake it.

It is my experience that those that don't want to speak reasonably correct English do so on purpose, and do to set themselves apart into a different (lower) class deliberately. Those speeking Thugeese and Dinduese do so as a way of fitting in with their group. I am more inclined to let the strategy work as I am never going to want to be around someone who's main negotiating ability is over who gets to sell crack on what corner.

Speak however you want. No loss, it makes it easier to pick out the gems from the garbage.

Comment Re:Becasue... the children! (Score 1) 190

Well the intended purpose seems questionable too. For hiking and camping? If you are hiking in a condition where weight is an issue, you need pure water to stay hydrated, even sport drinks are a bad idea. Alchol will just dehydrate you faster. Also even simple hiking trails have some places for tricky footing, even if you are a bit buzzed you can hurt yourself.

The type of camping trips where you just sit around the fire, are also ones where you just drive up to the spot so you can just bring the heavy good stuff.

If they can come up with a more practical explanation then hiking and camping, then I can see states opening it up. Otherwise it is just an excuse to sell a product and have people look the other way while they sneak it to places where you should need a drink.

When they come up with a filter that can filter alcohol out of a stream or standing water, your complaint will be valid.

H2O as a compound, is all over the damn place and can be treated at a camp site.

Alcohol isn't.

You don't know shit about camping OR hiking.

Comment Re: No time zones, no DST, centons (Score 2) 277

If people are that close to the edge then leaving for work an hour earlier / losing an hour's sleep is only a proximate cause to their death.

The root cause is that they were leading a fucked-up life and were susceptible to a final straw. Now, whether any given individual's life is fucked up due to their own choices or not probably runs the gamut from 0 to 1 on probability distribution.

Excuse me. I know you inner city trash don't have to deal with this.

However, us drivin' folk in flyover states need to deal with the sun as it affects VISIBILITY.

See, that thing you see between the buildings and through the smog and smoke called "the sun", when it gets low (behind buildings) it reflects off the road pavement, or sometimes ice and snow, and gets in one's eyes. I know you can't see it then, but it really does this.

Going to work (in a car, not a train or a subway or a bus) during one week of the year is more hazardous due to bad visibility during peak traffic times due to the sun being low on the horizon (that's "skyline", to you city slickers) because the low sun and reflective pavement obscure vision and shorten the distance available to react. It also makes it harder to discern the markings on the roads. This peak traffic accident week happens once a year regardless. Daylight savings time makes it happen TWICE a year.

Comment Re:Exception to the exception to the exception (Score 1) 277

Annnnd noone thinks that DST creates more time either. It allows us to enjoy longer periods of sunlight during waking hours over the summer season.

Except it DOESNT do that.

The relation between when the luser gets up compared to the sun and when he goes to work does that. What TIME it is when that happens is not part of the causative loop.

All clocks should be on GMT all the time. Not modified, ever.

Figure out when you need to go to work yourself. Figure out when you need to get up yourself. Figure out what local lunch time is yourself.

And don't give me "but the schools" bullshit. Schools now days have rotating "starting late" days that fuck up any normal schedule anyway. They absolutely can adjust to a random bullshit reason not to start, so they can adjust for a longer lived jump in time during the year as the school system, local latitude and weather dictate. They'll get MORE freedom to deal with the problems they might have.

Comment Re:Not a good idea. (Score 2) 79

If a large number of robocall reports were being made in real time, wouldn't that help identify the physical source?

First, phone numbers can and are often "spoffed".

Second, just like with Intertube Spam, I can bust out 100,000's of robo-calls in one day from a disposable phone number (MagicJack and the like), and than move on untraced.

The phone companies know where the call is coming from. They just don't know it's a "bad call" when it is actually happening. You are very very confused if you think what the phone companies and guys running the switches can see is the caller ID number that shows up on the phone. (Caller ID can be spoofed.)

On the other hand, a system of rapid reporting can make those numbers useless after an hour of robo calling, rather than a day.

Who the hell picks up the phone now days anyway? I just let it ring or silence it. It's incredibly megalomaniac to think the call is actually important on any account. They can leave a voice mail, they can email, text, or find me on Facebook. If I don't know them, they are trying to sell / scam something and they can fuck off.

Comment Re:Impossible (Score 1) 274

I've seen several images of American Civil War bullets being dug up welded together. There were battles where there was so much musket and rifle fire and so densely targeted that a few bullets actually collided in mid air Granted; this was an accidental result, the product of sheer numbers. It invalidates your specific claim without invalidating the point I think you were trying to make about using lasers to down incoming missiles/artillery/etc.

Modern jacketed bullets won't stick when they collide, and are generally moving a lot faster than a .51 cal musket ball. So they would break apart instead when they do collide. Modern firefights usually involve more bullets going down range too. They probably are colliding, it's just that nobody notices.

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