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Comment Re:Apple pay at Coke machines and apps for diabete (Score 1) 529

Fancy watches are jewelry. Jewelry doesn't become obsolete in 2 years.

Actually, those "fancy watches" (generally speaking, those which are mechanical and have no batteries) have been obsolete since the seventies. A cheap quartz watch keeps better time than the very best mechanical watches. That doesn't seem to stop people from dropping tens of thousands of dollars on long-obsolete mechanical watches.

Comment Re:Scrapping DST worldwide for 24 time zones (Score 1) 277

I don't think you realize also how much confusion it generates for ordinary people, including administrators and the general public who has to worry that their clocks are set right. If mistakes are made by admins, then the knock-on effects can be even worse.

I do realize that. But I'm also pragmatic enough to know that bitchy programmers who don't want to tackle the hard problems are not going to make one whit of difference in the cosmic scheme of things.

Heck even taking a couple of minutes to change the clocks multiplied by a billion people equals a LOT of time lost. Not to mention that DST often affects sleep cycles in a bad way, or at least in a mildly bad way for perhaps most people.

This seems like less of a problem as time goes on, given the fact that ever-increasing numbers of time-telling devices are connected to reliable sources of time. Assuming, at least, that the humans programming those devices weren't as fucking lazy as you are.

I'm going to be a bit harsh now, and I may even be at least partially wrong, but you really don't seem to care about unification, consolidation, standards, or simplifying things as much as you should.

Don't put words in my mouth. I care lots about those things. And I know a losing fight when I see one. Convincing society to change their ways so that you don't have to do the hard stuff is a losing fight. Get over it.

I have no doubt your programming skills are capable of taking on such tasks, but the fact you're not even SLIGHTLY bitter about the mess that is time zones indicates that for better or for worse, elegant design and unification is not your first priority. And I think that's where you're mistaken.

Why would *anyone* be bitter over something that they have absolutely no control over, and is (at most) a minor annoyance? Of all the possible things (that are out of your control), why choose that one? Why not be bitter about social injustice (unless you're one of those gamergate morons) or global warming (unless you're one of those climate-change-denier morons) or the declining rate of vaccinations in the US (unless you're one of those anti-vaxxer morons).

Oh, wait... I get it now. You're a shitty programmer AND you probably have nothing left to be bitter about. Except DST.

So sad.

Comment Re:Meaningless debate (Score 1) 277

The fact I think the mods are stupid is twofold: they are actually dumb, at least in comparison to the brighter posters. More importantly, the fact that people are willing to waste time on m1 OR m2 implies a certain lack of imagination and a desire to do /.'s work for free. I don't work for free anywhere.

And somehow you failed to notice that by posting on slashdot, you are providing the content that drives traffic (and therefore ad revenue). For free.

Seems maybe the moderators aren't the dumbest ones in the room.

Comment Re:What else will Cameraphones ruin? (Score 2) 606

I'm waiting for the gangsta rappers and make believe, wanna be thugs to be ruined for their racist, anti-gay, misogynistic, anti-social, violent cliched rants.

When those gangsta rappers and thugs become senators, company presidents, or the captains of industry and subsequently start imposing their views on their constituents / employees / industries, then you will have a point. But until those gangsta rappers and thugs have any kind of actual power imbued upon them by their standing as a majority, then your argument is meaningless and paints you as a racist idiot.

Comment Re:What else will Cameraphones ruin? (Score 1) 606

I'm not defending christians here, I'm attacking hypocrisy, and right now, the left has that in spades when it comes to 'social justice.'

You say you're not a troll (at least you did in an earlier post) but your behavior is indistinguishable from a troll. Ergo, I still think you're a troll.

And if you actually believe the nonsense you're spouting, then you're a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being.

Comment Re:China does just fine on a single time zone (Score 1) 277

China does just fine on a single time zone. In fact maybe we should get the whole world on UTC and just adapt locally.

So instead of having an agreed-upon offset from UTC based on specific and well-defined geographic regions, you'd rather leave it up to every single individual to define their own mental offset to guide their day?

Yeah, that won't cause any confusion at all.

Comment Re:Meaningless debate (Score 1) 277

Pleasing the unwashed masses is not my task. Yes, that means you, with the mod points.

I make a point of modding down people with signatures bitching about people with mod points. And since I won't be able to comment in the topic where I've just modded you, I thought I'd give you some heads up.

Also, harden the fuck up and own your words.

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