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Comment Re:Wouldn't normally say this but (Score 1) 737

Ever watch House? There are dozens of ways to physiologically fail into a psychotic or unconscious state that don't have to do with personality. We are meat. We may never know what happened up there. It may make no sense - a fungus or a genetic weakness that just happened at the wrong damned time.
What we need is three flight deck personnel, not two. We've two because we've cost cut our way into a robot plane with one pilot, at times.

Comment Re:This validates the US policy... (Score 1) 737

Rules will always fail. Procedure can always be hacked. And was, you may notice. If it was a suicidal pilot, he could have tricked the the FA into leaving. Maybe he did. No matter how many attempts to manage humans, there can never be enough rules, and never a lack of ways to beat those rules.

Best way to have prevented this would be to NOT HAVE a door that locks out the rest of the plane. Let 9-11 go; that trick won't work again.
Another way? Airlines have cut cockpit crew numbers from 3 (pilot, co-pilot, navigator) to 2 (pilot/copilot) to save money, increase profits and break the unions. That MAY have more than a little to do with the fact that only one member of the flight team is present in the cockpit at times. We've cost cut our way into cheap fares and food-stamp-pilots.... and planes so short staffed that the illness of a single person can kill everyone.

Comment Re:Be careful of the term "terrorist attack" (Score 4, Interesting) 737

A couple of days ago, a Christian musician family in Phoneix (I think) went obviously nuts and engaged in a massive firefight with police in a big box parking lot they were camping in. Their entire repetoir was about Jesus coming and the End Times - and I'm guessing, since they were all armed, they were the US Government-Obama-is-Satan cultists that are extremely pervasive in the Confederacy (the West is just the suburbs of the Confederacy, has been since the end of the civil war). We have a gigantic armed cult of doomsdayer Dominionists dispersed throughout the country, and the FBI taskforce that monitored it was taken down at the insistence of Congressional confederate Republicans. Our loonies wear ties and Glocks and praise Jesus and fear the negro President. Not even a little bit hyperbolic.

Comment Re:Reminds me of one thing (Score 1) 737

As you noted, we really don't have self-driving cars. Here and there, a self-driving *car*, under escort. SD cars are something Google wants, and now everyone is trying to jump in on the idea, but it really won't work. Most will work, but the failures will be huge. Our capacity for denial will have to ramp up.

Comment Re:Security is hard... (Score 4, Insightful) 737

Zero. The 9-11 attacks worked because no one expected the hijackers were intending to suicide all along. We now know it, and they cannot hijack planes and succeed anymore, as no one will cooperate.The entire plane would swarm them, and rightly so. So they don't hijack. Zero hijackings prevented, not because of protocols, but because it's damned impossible to succeed, even without steel doors. We've overreacted, and now we've lost an actual plane because of the totally safe terrorism doors that even the commander can't open. Sigh.

Comment War on terror update part 2 (Score 1) 737

Well, another fine mess you've got us into, anti-bearded-terrorist mass hysteria. Surely no one could have anticipated a suicidal or ill pilot locking the other pilot out of the cockpit. A german pilot, so not a terrorist, of course. Need a beard for that.

Don't bother modding me down, Fox News enthusiasts, I can post again, and yet again.

Comment Safe from the bearded evil ones (Score 1, Insightful) 737

Well, another fine mess you've got us into, anti-bearded-terrorist mass hysteria. Surely no one could have anticipated a suicidal or ill pilot locking the other pilot out of the cockpit. A german pilot, so not a terrorist, of course. Need a beard for that.

Don't bother modding me down, Fox News enthusiasts, I can post again.

Comment Re: the AARP-files (Score 1) 166

He is well before that TOS / Harrison Ford old man event horizon.

Is the "old man event horizon" caused by stars putting on a *lot* of weight as they age?

In which case, I think Harrison Ford will escape that fate and simply turn into a white dwarf.

Marlon Brando on the other hand- yes, he became supermassive in later years, and quite likely turned into a black hole. In fact, lots of people in the film industry were inadvertantly killed when they got too close. No-one noticed this because to outsiders they still appear to be hovering around the "Brando event horizon".

Comment Re:"Flash Module" != "SSD" (Score 1) 204

Essentially, PCIe is a darn sight faster than SATA, so when you hook up a flash drive to it, it goes at ludicrous speeds.

I see you've been reading the press release.

Do you believe ever piece of BS you read in PR? There's a buttload of crap where that one came from. It's the salesman's job to sell you fancy NEW MOAR BETTER CRAP, so I guess if it's working, he's gonna keep his job :D

Comment Re:Misleading story title... (Score 1) 204


And along those same lines, there's not a normal user on earth who can tell the difference between an SATA 6 drive, and the same drive running off PCIe. There's enough 4k I/O operations bandwidth on either interface to satisfy any desktop or light workstation user, but Samsung will tell you proudly how much faster the exact same drive controller and flash hooked up by PCIe!

But the industry has nowhere else to grow except lower prices for higher capacity, so we're all making the transition to M.2 and NVMe JUST TO BLOAT WORTHLESS BENCHMARKS!

Instead of letting NVMe be the thing of servers and high-end workstations, EVERYBODY GETS multi-Gigabit block transfers!

Pretty soon the things will be faster than ram at block transfers, but still too high a latency to actually replace it. But what use is that to anyone, when you're still limited bb the rest of your system that has to process the data?

Comment Re:As a recent buyer of a mid-2014 MBP (Score 2) 204

Basiclly, this is just a bulk transfer rate benchmark of the SSD.

Like most other SSDs, the fastest ones will not actually result in quicker real-world performance, because your brain cannot see the files load on screen any faster.

Enjoy your overpowered 4x PCIe crap. I'll be just fine here with my SATA6 SSD I've had for four years.

Comment I'm glad I taught my daughter to be careful ... (Score 5, Insightful) 353

I'm glad I taught my daughter to be careful/paranoid. I'm also glad she listened.

What we're observing here and in many other different places is the classic problem of technological advancement: Powerful tools in untrained/unexperienced hands. Each of us here has seen the internet/web grow and trivial-to-stupid data-collection services come over us like the plaque. We have a natural negative reaction to post non-anonymous content online or giving some corporation or the public all our data just because they offer a flaky lock-in version of IRC or microblogging. For most users however, that is a very normal thing to do. I cringe each time I see others exposing themselves to abuse and fraud by posting everything under their real name and data. They are one identity theft or one online stalker away from having their entire life turned into living hell.

I set up my daughters Ubuntu Netbook with two mailaccounts, one fake on with a pseudonym and one with her name. I told her to specifically use the latter only for official real-world stuff - sending in homework, applying for some course, etc. and the other for everthing else.

When she went off for a student exchange in Malaysia, she set up a another seperate pseudonymed online Facebook account for the occasion, to be able to cut it lose should things get out of hand. That's daddys smart girl.

Fake/pseudonymed accounts and a general base paranoia about all things online is a must these days if you don't want to be over-exposed to crap from immature teenagers.

I'm glad my daughter caught the drift and didn't wave off her daddys advice on this matter.

Comment Re:jesus christ, this. (Score 1) 179

Not everyone's homes. Here in Europe there's a GMO ban. Just think of how much less roundup is used when roundup ready crops aren't planted.

Probably about half as much. Even without the GMO RoundUp Ready crops you could clear a field with the stuff and then plant corn in behind that in 7 days. Saves on tilling costs and also better for the environment as you're not disturbing soil. With the GMO stuff you might get another spray 4-5 weeks into the crop of RoundUp to kill new weeds but anything beyond that the corn itself will crowd out the weeds.

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