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Comment Btrfs send/receive (Score 4, Informative) 227

Btrfs send/receive should possible be doing the trick. After first cloning the disk and before every subsequent transfer create a reference-snapshot on the laptop and delete the previous one after the transfer.

$ btrfs subvolume snapshot /mnt/data/orig /mnt/data/backup43
$ btrfs send -p /mnt/data/backup42 /mnt/data/backup43 | btrfs receive /mnt/backupdata
$ btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/data/backup42

I havn't tried this for myself, so the necessary disclaimer: this may eat your disk or kill a kitten ;-)

Comment Re:Wrong by law (Score 1) 601

You confuse me only by misleading comments. The notion of "by law enforcement" was missing in your initial wording and given that the whole topic was about secret services this is a major change of meaning.

Nevertheless I stand by my first remark about spying on own citizens. If a case involves foreign citizens and local ones, no secret service would gather only half of the information because own citizens are sacrosanct.

Comment Re:Wrong by law (Score 1) 601

Once you allow any domestic spying, it inevitably deteriorates into that. The only way to avoid that is to subject domestic surveillance to judicial review and hold abusers legally responsible.

So you say: there is absolutely no way domestic spying can be allowed, unless you do in a special way. Doesn't this seem to be contradictory?

Comment Re:Wrong by law (Score 1) 601

What isn't normal or acceptable is that a nation spies on its own citizens

A little bit spying on own citizens is acceptable if there is a current cause. Not acceptable is the dragnet type of surveillance with all-encompassing records of every citizen. This is a major characteristic trait of totalitarianism.

The former communist countries have mostly overcome dictatorship, some with more remaining autocratic elements some with less. Even Chinese have now more personal freedom and demand accountability from persons in high positions. To counter this trend the USA swings to the other side.

Comment Re:Wrong by law (Score 1) 601

you don't know that the chinese knew

This spying into everything of everyone by NSA was a secret to the same degree as the existence of an Israeli atom-bomb is. Known to every person on earth (with possible exception of a few US Americans) but not officially admitted. Given that China resides on earth they knew.

Comment Re:buy DRM free books (Score 1) 212

From time to time, if you are into using ebooks, you will find that there are titles you want that are not available in non-DRM versions.

It's a matter of principle for me. Buying any DRM-contaminated book is a sign to the publisher that this abomination is acceptable.

There are e-books with DRM from authors I have all published paper-books from. It sucks there are stories from my favorite authors I can't read but DRM is a red line I don't cross.

Comment Re:buy DRM free books (Score 3, Insightful) 212

I love paper-books and wouldn't buy any DRM encumbered e-book because some 30+ year old books I'm reading once a while and I don't trust any DRM-server to last that long.

But if a paper-book would get me a download of the same as an e-book I'm willing to spend a little bit more to have a significant chunk of my 4 digit number of books during travel.

I'm considering to build a scanner linear-book-scanner to make my portable library but question my ability to build it ;-). This scanner seems to be able to scan a book without any human help. Start one book before going to work, one coming home and one before going to sleep gives more than 1000 books a year. A few years of minimal efford and all is done. If one could buy such a scanner for 1000-2000 eur I would start building my e-books tomorrow.

Comment Re:Gravitational tides will kill you (Score 1) 412

That depends on the rules of the known universe. in 1915, Karl Schwarzchild transformed Einstein's theories of relativity into a form that would require black holes. This means that Einstein's formulas can only be correct if the universe allows black holes. If the universe does not allow black holes, then Einsteins formulas must be wrong - though less wrong than the aether theory they replaced.

If some (not yet understood) quantum effect would prohibit the mass-density required for a black hole, e.g. the minimum radius of a mass would be 1 ppm above the Schwarzschild Radius, general relativity would have no defect without existence of black holes.

Black holes have been observed many times.

Strong gravitational fields have been observed but no black holes. If the radii of the generating masses are 1 ppm above Schwarzschild Radii the observed effects would be the same as with black holes. There are indications for black holes but no real proof a sure observation would be.

Comment Re:Maybe... (Score 1) 1121

The evidence of existing gods is exactly the same as the evidence of non-existing gods: nothing. If you derive without evidence an opinion it is a belief.

A theist is someone who beliefs the first opinion, an atheist beliefs the second opinion, both requires faith. An agnostic realizes the fundamental problem of no evidence and abstains from belief.

Comment Re:It's not the rocks you've got to worry about (Score 1) 161

Now consider all the wars, genocides, and random violence that humans have inflicted on each other.

These real threats have the unfortunate feature of being changeable and measurable. Going against asteroids has no immediate measurable effect and is therefore a perfect venture for any politician.

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