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Comment Re:What?!?! (Score 1) 364

Jobs are slavery. It takes a real sycophant to fetishize being a slave. "Socialist" countries like Norway are better places for small businesspersons than the US (according to that oh-so-socialist-pinko Inc. Magazine). Fsck jobs. People don't need jobs. They need livelihoods, and it is highly damaging to individual freedom that USian society and its laws concentrate wealth upward and provide socialism for the 1%, Calvinball for the 99%.

FNC is the broadcast equivalent of sociopathy.

Comment Brainwashed peasants, like Chomsky said (Score 1) 495

Americans are so pathological that their fucking identities seem to depend on subjugating themselves to someone richer.

What's up with that? Civilized countries have fine social safety nets. Being "jobless" isn't a catastrophe there because their people generally haven't had every last bit of humanity in their lives commodified and sold back to them.

Comment Left-wing corporatism: example (Score 1) 495

No, there is left-wing corporatism. Have you ever asked yourself what the hell kind of logical connection there is between employment and social benefits like health care or pensions? A friend's father, who is firmly in the top 10%, drank deep of the Murdoch Kool-Aid and actually thinks that the ridiculous inequalities of wealth and living conditions in Brazil are all right by him, didn't want any sort of socialized health care because he wants to be able to do nice things for his employees.

The end game of capitalism is feudalism.

Comment Re:Astrology (Score 3, Funny) 433

Speaking as an astrologer, it would be interesting to know the precise time, date and place the suit was filed... I would absolutely expect that they'd time their initial filing to their own favor. Even though I don't read horary well at all, assuming Boston at high noon leads to interesting interpretations: The ruler of the 1st house (the plaintiff) in the 5th house (speculation) and being Jupiter (expansion) well-aspected by Pluto (The Man) certainly suggests abuse of power, a bit of recklessness or that someone's looking for a windfall. The ruler of the 7th house (the defendant) in the 10th (status, exemplar) and afflicted by several difficult aspects from Saturn, Uranus and the aforementioned Pluto doesn't bode well for the defendants, though Mars (the action principle) certainly works more toward their favor than Astrolabe's.

So, basically, if Astrolabe catches the attention of Anonymous, they will be fucked sooooo hard they won't even KNOW what time it is.

Comment Re:Astrolabe, Inc. v. Olson et al (Score 1) 433

Turning to look at my bookshelf, I own the Astrolabe World Ephemeris, which is a pretty half-assed ephemeris, and several quality ACS publications.

But I also emailed Astrolabe's people to inform them that I wouldn't support their trolling (and since I *do* deal in matters astrological, and have acquaintances who own occult book stores, my own complaint might carry a bit of weight). ftw!

Comment Re:Astrolabe, Inc. v. Olson et al (Score 1) 433

Astrologers require accurate times to create an accurate map of the sky (which is why that Sun-sign horseshit in the comics section of the newspaper works about as well as a "fair dice roll"). An almanac of the history and practices of timekeeping in various regions is indispensable to those who research the correlations of planetary positions with events.

As to how ACS and Astrolabe are connected, I think Astrolabe might have bought the rights to electronic reproduction of the ACS Atlas some time in the past ten years, when I last researched licensing the ACS Atlas for a project I was working on at the time.

Comment Re:Damn Tea Party! (Score 2) 277

No, the Tea Party talks about keeping the government out of the Koch brothers' lives.

Seriously, though, forget the existing power structure for solving your problems. Anyone who stands a chance of gaining any advantage for the little guy gets shot, poisoned, tortured or hit with manufactured rape charges. It's long past time for the class war to get hot again. Okay, actually, the class war's always BEEN hot, but the besieged masses have been too busy playing WoW or watching tv to fight back...

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