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Comment What is the point of this story? (Score 5, Insightful) 147

I normally don't like looking at Apple Rumor sites at all, or reading about them.

But a story like this seems REALLY pointless. What on earth is the point of publishing the story days before we know for sure what will happen? Just so people can swagger in with last minute "guesses" that hardly count because of last minute leaks?

Much better to discuss the meaning or use of what actually is to come, rather than some possibility which will be potentially dissipated in mere days.

In other words, let the cat at least settle down in the box before you open it.

Comment Your Problems are my solutions (Score 1, Insightful) 164

1. If you go to their website, nothing indicates this is a non-profit corporation.

And so what??? Were you hoping for a tax break? The only question at hand is, will they do what they promise to do. If so, good enough.

2. None of the people involved has a background in education, child development, psychology, etc.

You know, the same was true when he was on Reading Rainbow the TV show. Do you think that show (a) helped kids of (b) destroyed lives.

In fact I would place his being on Reading Rainbow as having more of a background in education than most people.

Comment Re:In what way is that close to a hoverboard? (Score 1) 66

Well, it has not lost video to a copyright complaint...

But if you ever do find a video of the "WheelGo" in action, you'll notice it seems a hell of a lot less easy to maintain balance than the One Wheel. I'd be scared as hell to get on that WheelGo thing or anything like it, and I can use a Segway just fine.

Comment Re:way overpriced, here's the real one (Score 1) 66

Sorry but that looks way less practical and usable than the One Wheel skateboard-esque design, even if it uses some of the same parts. Watch the One Wheel Kickstarter video to compare.

In your video you can see the woman just barely maintaining balance... and the people riding it have to stand stock still apparently or all is lost.

Comment Time for ObamaNet (Score 2, Insightful) 114

Make purchase of Comcast internet a mandatory thing for all americans.

Now the poor have internet, and are only somewhat more poor!

Hey, it worked for the insurance industry and healthcare policies.

Although to be fair the analogy is not really complete unless you also make all americans purchase HBA/Showtime/MLB packages.

Comment It was never about what can work (Score 1) 147

Why don't the studios let Netflix stream the movies that are currently only available as physical DVDs

Because the studios are asking more money than Netflix can pay at a flat rate for streaming. Simpler answer: The studios hate money, or rather they value imaginary money more than real money so they maximize the imaginary return.

Why are you trying to ask a rational question of an entity that has shown no degree of rationality? You come across as the very worst sort of engineer, explaining how something can technically work when we all know it can technically work and the thing holding everything back is not technology at all.

Comment The Difference (Score 1) 147

In his incredibly naive mind he imagines a stream that is limited to one person at a time and backed by a physical DVD.

Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what he meant, reading his whole missive would lower the IQ of anyone by ten points.

Comment Re:The US needs a loser-pays legal system (Score 3, Interesting) 136

Creating a system where the poor can't afford to sue because they may have to pay for the other guy's legal costs means that only the rich would be able to afford to defend themselves.

That's already true, so lets make life better for most instead of none (legally speaking).

Well ,unless you really love lawyers who benefit most from the "sue everyone and see what sticks" approach.

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