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Comment Re:This is the last fucking straw (Score 2) 531

"Features" are in the eye of the beholder. If I need DRM to access a site, I just move on to something more interesting and/or important. I simply do not play that game. If I wanted to be digitally restricted, I could always get caught robbing a bank, and spend several years in prison, right?

Comment Re:bye (Score 2) 531

I suspect that a lot of people THINK in pictorial form. When I want to go to, I type Yeah, the browser autocompletes for me, but I continue typing the address in. I've been doing it that way since before there was a Firefox, it's a habit that I see no need, or even a desire to break.

Wonder how many slashdotters couldn't find slashdot without a shortcut? The idea is hilarious, IMHO.

Comment Re:bye (Score 1) 531

Mmmm. Vivaldi on Linux doesn't seem to work real well. Additionally, creating an account and logging in to the vivaldi website simply doesn't work for me.

Something's wrong here, if the next great browser is incapable of designing a working website.

But - since you reminded me that it's on my machine, maybe I'll fire it up again today to see if anything has changed . . .

Nope - first attempt to login gives me a message "Session expired, please log in again." Second attempt says username and password don't match.

Ehhhh . . .

Comment Re:bye (Score 2) 531

The memory is there to be used - you're entirely correct. I cannot fault you for that. But, when the system has 4 gig of memory, and Firefox is using 60% of that memory - IT IS SIMPLY TO MUCH!

I recently installed Pale Moon. I've not yet seen Pale Moon using 25% of system memory. I have a lot of tabs open right now, and Palemoon is using 17% of system memory. Enlightenment and Palemoon are constantly swapping places for top memory usage position in htop. The only other process that competes, is lightdm . This means that I can fire up a lot more applications, or I can actually do some compiling while the browser runs.

Yeah, I have memory, but it's MINE to decide how to use, not Mozilla's.

And, yes, this IS part of the reason I switched to Pale Moon. The subject of TFS and TFA are another reason. And - I'm also an adventurous type. I'll run any browser that comes along - if it behaves as I wish it to.

Comment One thing to consider... (Score 2) 82 NOT give your social security number to any company for anything other than SS taxation.

I don't give it to insurance companies, nor to the utilities (yes I pay a deposit but I don't give them my SS number), etc.

You may have to argue a bit and get a manager, but if nothing else, if you can keep your SS number out of systems that will potentially be broken into, at least they won't get that info.

Comment Re:imagine that. (Score 1) 113

New York mayor Bill de Blasio has lifted a 10-year ban on phones on school premises, with the city's chancellor of schools stating that it would reduce inequality.

I"m still trying to figure this one out.

How the hell does not talking/texting on a cell phone during school hours exacerbate inequality??

If anything, I would think everyone NOT having a phone on them during school hours would put things MORE on an equal playing ground, no?

Comment Re:Fuck you. (Score 1) 618

You mean from cross site scripting? Yeah - I do have an idea. And, I block it unless I actually decide that I want to see what is on those other sites.

But, even with most cross site scripting, the total content of the page is often only a fraction of the advertising content, in terms of bandwidth.

You try it. Wander the web for some hours, or a day, or a week, and keep track of your bandwidth usage. Then install something like uBlock, and wander the web. You bandwidth usage will drop significantly. At the same time, if you kept track of your CPU and memory usage, those will drop as well, although less significantly.

Advertisers put your equipment as well as your bandwidth usage to full use, and all for something that I have no desire to see.

Comment Re:Fuck you. (Score 1) 618

I call bullshit. The people who represent your point of view are busy bribing legally elected representatives in Washington, rather than allowing the free market to settle the issue.

If every third advertising agency in America were to go bankrupt tonight, society wouldn't collapse. If along with those agencies, 1/2 of all the corporations doing the collection and correlation of data also collapsed, society wouldn't collapse. If, as a result of all those bankruptcies, advertising dropped off by 95%, society wouldn't collapse.

If the working class notified congress that they would no longer tolerate the shit forced on them by advertisers, and congress passed meaningful laws restricting what advertisers can do, society wouldn't collapse either. In fact, society would be much better off.

And, if you personally are put out of a job because of it, well, tough shit. You can go compete with all the Mexicans for a job digging ditches, or picking avacados.

Comment Re:What if I want the ad fueled web to die? (Score 1) 618

Well - open mouth, insert foot. How does it taste?

I've been working for a living for more than forty years now. Real work, too, not sitting on my ass, playing mind games, and expecting working people to support me. I don't do a day's work, or a week's work, or even a year's worth of work, then collect wages for the rest of my life.

As I said earlier, you are the one with the entitlement issues.

"playing the roll" as you put it. On the one hand, you seem to suggest that anyone can do it, if they just spend the time - on the other hand, you seem to think that it's a major industry, deserving of high wages. You're confusing me, which is it?

Are you an advertiser, or do you work for advertising, or are you a web designer, an IT guy, or what? What is your stake in this issue?

I'll tell you flat out, I have nothing but contempt for the advertising industry as a whole, with even greater contempt for those portions of the industry responsible for all this invasive advertising.

Advertising presumes to have some kind of ownership over the web, and it presumes to have some authority over how the web should be regulated. Presumptuous cocksuckers are deserving of no respect whatsoever.

Always remember - business - ALL BUSINESSES - exist on sufference. The public tolerates a busienss so long as that business benefits the public more than it pisses the public off. When you overstep your bounds, you WILL be put out of business.

IMHO, you have overstepped your bounds. Keep watching, and wait for it. More and more people are beginning to think like me. The evidence is available in the download counts for all the ad blockers.

Keep running at the mouth - you cannot justify the worthless shit being forced on the people who finance the web - the very customers that the advertisers are milking.

Comment Re:Ad networks that "hack" are immoral. (Score 1) 618

Funny thing - despite the fact that I don't see a single ad on your website, I'm not "infringing" upon your ability to milk the advertisers of revenue. So, you missed out on .003 cents because I blocked the ads. The millions of sheeples who didn't block your ads still gave you a nice payday, didn't they?

You can call it shoplifting if/when I figure out how to intercept those people clicking your ads. When I actually cash a check paying for those millions of clicks, thereby preventing you from cashing the same check, then you can whine, snivel, and cry about me depriving you of income.

Of course, at that point in time, I will have the cash necessary to retain some shyster lawyer, and you'll be up shit creek without a paddle, LMAO!

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