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Comment Re:That's great... (Score 1) 20

Meanwhile, back in reality, in heavily congested areas you're lucky to get a signal twenty meters using omnidirectional antennas and public spectrum.

First World Problems

I realize Slashdot caters to the Libertarian fringe, but the whole reason we have 'locked-down spectrum' is to avoid the tragedy of the commons scenario that occurs when devices interfere at random and everybody keeps kicking the power higher and higher trying to shout over the crowd until the spectrum is no good to anyone.

Can you not think of yourself for once, is it possible that a problem could be solved for developing countries that doesnt benefit developed countries. Maybe one day they can teach us how to better manage our spectrum by cooperating more. Is that something you want to tear down with your negativity.

Comment Libre firmware (Score 1) 480

Libre software is used in many embedded devices, however there are very few devices that do not also use proprietary software seperately on the same device.

Manufacturers will often embrace Libre software, then extend it with own essential proprietary binaries, making the whole non-free and difficult for the community to liberate.

How would you feel about a GPL like licence that didnt not tolerate distribution alongside prioprietary code (no mere agregation) ?

Comment Re:WTF Nokia (Score 1) 105

What's so hard in understanding this simple three-step formula:
1) Make some nice hardware.
2) Put vanilla Android on it with a clear upgrade path to the latest version.
3) Profit!

The hard bit that enables that 3 step plan is step 0) Sack managment, replace them with monkeys.

Comment Re:Fuck Tony Abbott. (Score 1) 109

He wont get knifed.
Libs are a Tall Poppy Party, they want their leader to get all the heat so none of it lands on them. If there leader gets burnt by the public and they find themselves in charge they know they can get away with anything and the party will back them.
ALP are driven by the caucus, the leader cant just do what (s)he wants like in the Libs, the team comes first. That why the leader an ALP leader is more likely to get kniffed (which sounds wrong). But now the ALP leader is voted in by members the leader will have more power over caucus.

Comment Re:Many here hate Microsoft (Score 1) 379

If your using this sites comment system to try and destroy this site with a boycott, why do you expect to have good karma on this site ?

Then why's mgt. here (rant removed) ?

That reponse pretty much explains why your karma is burnt and your posting anon. Your post is not relevent to the story or the comment you replied to.

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