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Comment Turbotax never again. (Score 2) 386

They require you to use their credit card payment "vendor". Yeah that word has quotes in their description, so I'm sure Turbotax owns it somehow.

"Vender" charges 2.49% of your tax expenses just to let you pay online. So what should cost $0.25 to swipe a credit card online can be quite a lot depending on your payment.

Bye Turbotax. Also with their lobbying shenanigans and attempts to keep the tax code complicated they've just gotten higher than Comcast on my list.

Comment Re:What is OData? Why should you care? (Score 1) 68

Sounds neat but doesn't solve my JSON problems.

One project might use "customer" another "client" or "businessname". Each of these may have a "description", "overview", "synopsis" and a "type"/"kind"/"businesstype" field.

So code discovery of data doesn't work unless we have agreed to standardized field names in advance, but now there's always exceptions to look out for and name conflicts.

Now even if we know the names of every field, how do we know exactly what sort of data will be returned? A name alone is nothing unless we can ensure its type, and remove all assumptions about what it can contain.

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