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Comment Time to strike back at N. Korea with a meme (Score 1) 153

I for one am tired of N. Korea's arrogance in having been successful in shutting down Sony's release of the movie. I say it's time to strike back - how about we start a meme where we photoshop and videoshop/YouTube images of Kim Jong Un into compromising depictions? I'm being completely serious. Let's see if N. Korea can shut down the entire internet before we make a laughing stock of them.

Comment Shingled encoding performance penalties (Score 5, Interesting) 219

SMR drives are fine for I/O scenarios that don't overwrite data very often but they suffer from significant performance penalties for overwrites due to the read-modify-write/write-relocate operations required to modify a set of sectors within a shingled-encoded track. There are tricks to lessen the impact such as virtual sector remapping and background remapping but those can't avoid performance penalties in many scenarios.

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