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Comment Re:Not much of a story (Score 1) 181

Assuming the kid really does live in Sweden though, American courts don't have jurisdiction.

Not necessarily. A court may be able to exercise long-arm jurisdiction under the "minimum contacts" rule--when Ryan went out of his way to make contact with Liberty Media, his actions were clearly directed to the forum state (wherever Liberty Media is based). As such, he may have subjected himself to that state's jurisdiction, at least with regard to this matter (this definitely wouldn't be enough to subject him to general jurisdiction, that is, he couldn't be sued for just anything in that state).'

Jurisdiction can be complicated and ugly; we spent a full semester on just that in Civ Pro I (Civ Pro II covers venue, the Erie doctrine, pleadings, and more) because there's just that much to cover.

Comment Re:I live in NH, this happens a lot. (Score 1) 486

They pull stunts like carrying a pistol standing downtown at a crowded intersection (which is legal), ... push the absolute limit of legal antagonism, then cry victim if the cop gets frustrated and brings them in on some usually-BS charge of disturbing the peace or whatever.

In short, while the details may indicate that the charge is bogus, it's important to understand we have a group of people here in NH who -actively try- to get charged with bogus crap by the police just to make a stink out of it.

Or, put slightly differently, you have people who don't break the law, but your cops just can't stand the idea of somebody not respecting their authoritah, and write tickets for non-offenses.

Sounds like you need a better class of cop. Perhaps you can find a model with a "self-control" upgrade.

Comment Re:For what reason? (Score 1) 390

The right to free speech says absolutely nothing about the right to anonymous free speech. At also says nothing about there not being consequences to your free speech, only that the government won't stop you from saying it. author's decision to remain anonymous, like other decisions concerning omissions or additions to the content of a publication, is an aspect of the freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment.

The freedom to publish anonymously extends beyond the literary realm. In Talley, the Court held that the First Amendment protects the distribution of unsigned handbills.... ...

Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority.

McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm'n, 514 U.S. 334 (1995)

Comment Re:Expensive cheats (Score 1) 210

No, you don't understand: he's special, so the rules need to contain an exception for him. Rather than following the same simple-to-comprehend directions as everybody else, he needs to be provided with proctors who can screen his incoming messages and pass them along to him. Because, you know, if his server goes down while he's taking the test, he's going to have to call a time-out to go fix it and resume the test when he's done.

Comment Re:Do Sleepy Surgeons Have a Right To Operate? (Score 1) 332

Close. You don't have a right to operate, you have permission to operate, subject, as you say, to informed consent. If you had the right to operate, the patient's consent wouldn't be an issue. You have the right to speak freely, without the consent even of those about or to whom you're speaking. Big difference.

And, as a patient, I would deny consent if I thought you were not competent for whatever reason, be it fatigue, intoxication, or just plain being a lousy doctor. Informed consent requires that the patient understand the risks to which he is being subjected. Your fatigue--or drunkenness, or your six trips to the review board--are a relevant risk.

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