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Comment Re:More religious whackjobs (Score 1) 286

I didn't mean to make light of your insightful and informative comment about the telescope project and the effects of inequality on Hawaiians.

However, I bet Monsanto can give you lots of studies about why GMOs would be a miraculous boon for Hawaii and Dole can cite studies showing that a lower minimum wage in Hawaii would be terrific for poor Hawaiians.

Comment Re:More religious whackjobs (Score 1) 286

That said, they did an economic study here on what would happen

So, the Army did a study saying that if the Army had to leave Hawaii it would be just awful for Hawaii.

I get it (^wink-)

I'm about to embark on a study which will show that if Scarlett Johansson doesn't sleep with me, it'll be a horrible outcome for Scarlett Johansson, possibly costing her $1.3 billion.

Comment Re:The problem is Big Government (Score 1) 174

Sorry, but that is a highly anti-scientific approach.

Wait a minute. How is THIS an "anti-scientific approach"?

This is the entirety of my statement:

I would highly recommend people google "Trevor Loudon" and make their own decisions about him.

All I'm recommending is that people google "Trevor Loudon" and read his articles and watch his YouTube videos and decide about his evidence for themselves. What's wrong with that approach in your eyes? It's exactly what you recommended in your comment about him.

If you google "Trevor Loudon" you will find the first couple pages of results are entirely articles that praise Mr Loudon from important sources such as The Blaze, and The very first search result is Trevor Loudon's own blog. Why would you be afraid of people finding that out?

You're a fucking nutbag, you are. You don't even want people to read Trevor Loudon's actual writings when you are here promoting him?

Comment Re:"Tax the rich" canard (Score 1) 395

and how do you plan to

Dumbshit, what part of, "I'm not endorsing that policy, only pointing out that blockquote you decided to put in bold face, was in fact, boldly untrue." do you not understand?

I'm not in favor of taxing millionaires at 100% any more than you're in favor of allowing felons to own guns or legalizing rape.

Oh wait...

Comment Re:"Tax the rich" canard (Score 1) 395

Your response might've been meaningful, if the 100% tax on "the rich" would have covered your figure. And not even then

My response was only to point out that your assertion that taxing millionaires at 100% would only cover 1/3 of the deficit was untrue. That's all. Don't get yourself excited to refute some points I wasn't making.

In fact, my number for the current deficit of $750 billion was too high. It's closer to $550 billion, so taxing millionaires at 100% would in fact cover it and leave a hundred billion or so left over to pay for health care for everyone.

I'm not endorsing that policy, only pointing out that blockquote you decided to put in bold face, was in fact, boldly untrue.

Are we cool now?

Comment Re:Bernie Sanders (any real shot at winning?) (Score 1) 395

a) they prefer the significantly less free market system of Scandinavia to our current economic system

You might want to check on that again. There are Scandinavian countries with more economic liberty than the US and higher levels of economic mobility despite having secure public welfare systems that actually work, unlike in the US.

Comment Re:He's also an interesting candidate for this (Score 1) 395

I always enjoy posts like this. Please tell me one thing. If the Democrat party advocates national health care, pro-choice, pro-union, racial equality and justice, gay marriage, college tuition support, market regulation, and all their other policies (not that they all get implemented), what do they have to add to that list to get on the left side of the political divide?

Easy. Just be as liberal as Teddy Roosevelt when it comes to corporate power.

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