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Comment Re:I bet Infosys and Tata are dancing in the stree (Score 1) 186

Sorry, being my age i heard the same stupid fucking crap from the same stupid fucking people back when Reagan gave amnesty to 7 million. Dipshit doomsayers like you just continue repeating the same fucking stupidity regardless of what actually happens, and you're too fucking stupid to look back and see reality. If you're going to complain about adding uneducated people to the workforce, perhaps you should go be an activist in Texas where the majority of high school students don't have the basic education to be able to get into a state college; or maybe Alabama where barely 70% of kids even graduate high school. I get it though, people like you just have to have someone else to blame for everything so you don't have to take that long hard look in the mirror to see how fucked up you are yourself.

Comment Re:yep. Greenpeace founder says nuclear required (Score 1) 282

You mean this lying sack of shit preying on truly stupid fucking idiots? He's an industry shill looking to make money regardless of the outcome.


Patrick Moore frequently portrays himself as a founder or co-founder of Greenpeace, and many news outlets have repeated this characterization. Although Mr. Moore played a significant role in Greenpeace Canada for several years, he did not found Greenpeace. Phil Cotes, Irving Stowe, and Jim Bohlen founded Greenpeace in 1970. Patrick Moore applied for a berth on the Phyllis Cormack in March, 1971 after the organization had already been in existence for a year. A copy of his application letter and Greenpeace's response are available here (PDF). [Greenpeace, 12/7/10]

What's sad is there's so many complete fucking morons in this country who believe these lying sacks of shit who are just out to make a buck.

Comment Re:I wish there was a more reasonable option (Score 1) 282

The FBI doesn't even distinguish this kind of crime in a separate category. I think more on point though, is the summaries author making the ASSUMPTION that having looser/fewer gun regulations somehow makes us safer, when evidence shows that states that have looser/fewer gun regulations also have higher murder rates ( http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hi... ). Somewhere in there is another social science fuck-up on drawing the wrong conclusion to the study they made... perhaps somewhere along the line of something like... some people can deal with the evidence presented by reality, others can't, or don't want to.

Comment Re:Terrible (Score 1) 430

Sodomy does not mean anal sex. Sodomy refers what went down in Sodom.

...only to 2000 year old myth writers. Sodomy, defined both in common usage and legal usage means exactly that. Then again, if you actually read the story in the old testament, the angels get pissed when he offers up his virgin daughters to the crowd (female virginity being a HUGE thing back then) so they won't take the angels.

Comment Re:Strange how liberals (Score 0) 330

Strange how conservatives very actively want to take us back to the good old days of conservative dominance of WW2 Germany, Italy and Japan. I'd rather be a socialist worried about the welfare of people rather than a fascist worried about power and money at the expense of the people. I guess a good rule would be: don't put sociopaths in positions of power... obviously something you fascists haven't learned yet as that's exactly what you're still trying to do.
The Media

Video Raises Doubts About Attkisson's Claims of Malicious Hacking 105

Was former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson's computer hacked? Earlier claims that it was are being scoffed at by some security experts, after looking at cellphone video she has released intended to demonstrate that an intruder was deleting files. The video, say various commentators, may instead just indicate a stuck or faulty backspace key. It could be that both things are true (a stuck backspace key, as well as malicious intrusion targeting Attkisson for her political reporting), but it would be helpful to know more of the details on which CBS's (unnamed) hired experts concluded that her machine was breached.

Comment Re:Not New (Score 1) 468

What article? This is a self contained whine complaining that democrats are doing something that republicans do as well, from an "anonymous reader." Had this "anonymous reader" been an "anonymous writer," their post would have been started at 0, but as everyone knows, /. has a very vocal cadre of conservative fringe government haters who use negative modding to weed out anyone who speaks out against their shared delusion. It talks about liberal attempts because they're trying to lie through omission, and gin up outrage by ignoring the fact that republican groups do the exact same thing.

I don't know which is worse, the fact that these people expect their base to be so gullible that they can lie with impunity and never get caught, or the fact that on the rare occasion they are caught, their base simply doesn't give a shit they've been lied to as long as it fits their party politics.

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