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Comment Re:There's already satellite internet (Score 1, Informative) 98

It wouldn't take much to beat these. Both in speed and the bandwidth caps.

It would take a way to break the speed of light - Pretty tricky problem, that one!

As a former Hughesnet customer, yes, the cap sucks, but overall the system has acceptable bandwidth. The real problem? The god-awful latency.

Nothing any ISP can do will ever solve the basic limitation of physics that a satellite somewhere around 40,000km has a round-trip time over half a second (130ms per trip, times a minimum of four trips - Request from me to satellite, from satellite to ground, then the response from ground to satellite, finally from satellite to me).

Never mind making many games unplayable, this makes SSL all but unusable. Add a little bit of ground-based latency into the picture, and literally a quarter of the time the connection would time out before it could finish the several rounds of handshaking.

Viable satellite internet doesn't need more bandwidth or lower caps, it needs faster radio waves.

Comment Re:We need this why? (Score 1) 98

So if you think that everyone should have click-to-play set by default, you presumably know how to do this on every browser, or you know where there's a list of explanations. Can you give us a link to this list?

TFA deals exclusively with Chrome. Chrome supports Click-to-play. I know where to change that setting in Chrome.

(That said, I do have a plugin that does the same for FireFox, and beyond Chrome and FireFox, I don't care in the least what they do or don't support). :)

Comment Remember, kids... (Score 1) 308

When deleting sensitive information on your computer, don't just drag it to the recycle bin. Use a "secure" deletion utility, and when you finish, defragment your hard drive.

Or better (if you knowingly want to destroy evidence), just reformat (non-quick) your entire HDD and reinstall a clean copy of your OS. "Yeah, it crashed last week. Bummer, huh?"

Comment How can they legally do that? (Score 5, Interesting) 614

The U.S. tech workers are required to train their replacements before vacating their jobs, or risk losing severance benefits

I'll start by saying, I have no shortage of cynicism and this doesn't surprise me in the least. So I know, "legally" doing this and "no one cares" don't mean the same thing.

But in order to hire H1Bs, I thought a company needs to demonstrate that they have advertised locally for the positions and can't find any sufficiently qualified people to take them. The fact that they have laid off their existing staff (a pool of local people willing to do the work), and the existing staff has sufficient skills to actually train their replacements, seems 100% antithetical to the conditions required for a company to hire H1Bs.

Any IAL's want to comment on how Mickey can get away with this?

Comment Re:4? (Score 1) 229

How did it get to version 4 before I heard of it?

How have you not heard of it before now?

Anyway, looks very cool... too cool, I worry - I just hope they didn't sacrifice the amazing gameplay of its predecessors in favor of eye-candy.

Not so sure about the dog, though - All the FO games have allowed you to have dogs as party members, but having one required? That better not make the whole game one giant escort mission...

Comment Re:Real or Bullshit (Score 0) 144

The short answer to why it remains seemingly just as far away? Money.

The single most useful, highest technology endeavor mankind has ever dared try, and we commit a mere one fifth as much to it as we do in fossil fuel subsidies per year.

In 1980, we really did have fusion 40 years away. And five years later, we got bored with that and moved on to something else shiny.

Comment Re:'Numerotez vos abatis' (Score 1) 145

The control systems for a nuclear reactor or a flight data processing system don't ever need to run CreateDancingBunniesDrawingsIn0Days.exe, or any arbitrary code for that matter.

Neither, for that matter, do 99% of modern office workers - They don't need anything beyond what amounts to a dumb terminal with a dedicated connection to their ERP system. In security-insensitive environments, we've gotten used to having a web browser and music player and Solitaire and maybe even the ability to customize our desktop and cursors and so on; but AP voucher entry doesn't require any of that.

This 100k module clearly just does old-fashioned whitelisting, albeit at several levels beyond mere code execution (I/O, memory access, etc). The only really interesting angle of it, IMO, comes from the claim that it doesn't require binary signatures, so how does it know what to allow? As my best guess, they could evaluate the use cases for each client and just compile the list right into the binary, but I doubt we have any way to confirm or deny that.

Comment Have at me, boys! (Score 3, Informative) 116

Sure, PayPal, go ahead and call me!

Because on the few occasions when I've found myself with no choice but to use your crappy guest checkout (no, I will never have a "real" account with you), and you insist that I give a phone number...

I enter yours.

So let 'em fly, boys! Feel free to let your "partners" waste the time of some poor secretary at your corporate HQ.

Comment [meta] Yes, thank you (Score 5, Informative) 160

but running a text transcript that covers our 20+ minute conversation with SJVN. Is this is a good idea? Please let us know.

YES, thank you!

I can read all the transcripts I want at work, but unless the video starts with the Microsoft theme song and immediately proceeds to Mark Russanovich telling me how to make Windows its bitch, I'll pretty much never look at anything requiring sound.

Comment Re:Polls on the Front page are stupid (Score 5, Interesting) 150

That said, the front page also has a 'Video Bytes' line half way down full of crap, so I guess someone is really keen on killing the site.

This. I thought Slashdot had managed to break their CSS (again) when I first saw that abomination.

Serious "WTF" here, guys! Polls go in the sidebar, and videos go nowhere (or as links in the summaries, if absolutely necessary as a reference for the FP).

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