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Comment Re:Good Sign (Score 5, Informative) 176

Exactly which cable company is NOT providing telephone service these days? They're telecoms now, plain and simple. The skirt around regulations by claiming "different technology", but it serves the same purpose, and seems like the same thing to the general public. It would seem you're against strict regulation. What will keep telecommunications providers from inspecting every packet that crosses their wires and holding up smaller businesses for protectio...I mean, transit fees? If I pay for 50Mbps bandwidth, and Netflix pays their provider for 50Tbps of bandwidth, but Comcast decides they should be making more money, what stops them from throttling Netflix traffic in exchange for more money? Streaming a video might take...2-3Mbps, right? The number crunchers at Comcast, though, see that Netflix traffic on their network takes up some 50%+ of the total traffic, and they want to ride the gravy train. So, they'll hold up Netflix for more dough, and Netflix will pass on the upcharge to their customers - making Netflix look like the bad guy to people who don't understand how it all works. Shady stuff, man, and we shouldn't give that kind of power to Comcast or At&t or anyone else.

Comment Sounds like a solid theory (Score 1) 161

Programming languages are very much like spoken languages. If you understand the origin language, or have an innate ability to infer meaning, it is possible to naturally understand a new programming language. I studied C++ in high school, so Java and C# are familiar and easily understood. The structures make sense, and if I don't immediately know offhand what something does, I can infer from the surrounding code. The same holds true for spoken languages. English is my first language, and I studied German in school. I never formally studied any other languages because that wasn't my passion. My passion was working with computers. However, I can generally infer the meaning of spoken Spanish in the same way I would deduce the function of unfamiliar code. I look for parts I recognize, use them to help decide what the unfamiliar portion means, and test my guess.

Comment Re:Why... (Score 1) 106

Thanks. I responded to that aspect of it earlier, but I appreciate your taking the time to remind me of what we're dealing with here. I hope this upcoming hardware is an indication bus speeds will soon catch up to the performance metrics of the devices they are connecting.

Comment Re:Why... (Score 1) 106

That's counter-intuitive. "Running processes" on data does not make the data travel faster. If using compression improves speed, there is a bottleneck somewhere that allows the data to pool in cache. When the interface reaches the speeds that eliminate the bottleneck, we'll really have some fast drives.

Comment Why... (Score 2) 106

would I want to use compression at all, if my goal is speed? If maximizing total capacity is not the concern, I would use none of the drive for compression. I think the point to be taken from this is that Intel is recognizing that storage capacities for SSDs are reaching the point where compression is no longer necessary to make the technology a viable alternative to mechanical drives, and we will now begin seeing the true speed potential of the technology.

The Twighlight of Small In-House Data Centers 180

dcblogs writes "Virtualization, cloud services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) is making it much easier to shift IT infrastructure operations to service providers, and that is exactly what many users are doing. Of the new data center space being built in the U.S., service providers accounted for about 13% of it last year, but by 2017 they will be responsible for more than 30% of this new space, says IDC. 'We are definitely seeing a trend away from in-house data centers toward external data centers, external provisioning,' said Gartner analyst Jon Hardcastle. Among those planning for a transition is the University of Kentucky's CIO, who wants to reduce his data center footprint by half to two thirds. He expects in three to five years service provider pricing models 'will be very attractive to us and allow us to take most of our computing off of our data center.' IT managers says a big reason for the shift is IT pros don't want to work in data centers at small-to-mid size firms that can't offer them a career path. Hank Seader, managing principal of the Uptime Institute, said that it takes a 'certain set of legacy skills, a certain commitment to the less than glorious career fields to make data centers work, and it's hard to find people to do it.'"

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