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Comment Re:user error (Score 3, Interesting) 710

Yeah, my thoughts on climate change and the environment are kind of mutually exclusive. Maybe climate change is man-made, maybe it's not. But who cares. We're eventually going to run out of fossil fuels, and they're very dirty so why are we using them? I like a clean environment because I like a clean environment, and I think we should be doing everything we possibly can to get off fossil fuels as soon as possible. We are not currently doing enough. And if man-made climate change is happening due to our carbon emissions, well, a side effect will be improving that!

Comment Re:user error (Score 1) 710


Plus, I'm far too imaptient to ever try hypermiling. I tried it for a week or so when I first got my new truck years ago, and that week was hell. But then I've always viewed travel as wasted time with which I could be doing something else, so I tend to try to get where I'm going as fast as reasonably possible. I walk fast too.

Comment Re:Well out running the police ... (Score 1) 443

Is a win for the Tesla, but it sounds likes it pretty spectacularly failed when he hit something.

...while it was going 100 mph. I'm all for safety but I don't expect ANY car company to design a car that will keep occupants safe in a crash with enough kinetic energy to embed half the car in a fucking building...

Comment Re:Idiotic (Score 4, Insightful) 200

How is this idiotic? Unless you're talking about the potential idiocy of wasting all that money on a drone and a Gopro camera potentially blown up by fireworks. This was filmed over water. Nobody was in danger except the drone owner's bank account. (And maybe the one in a million chance of the drone falling on the odd boater...)

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