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Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 720

The GTX 970 (and 980) are a bit unique right now. They are using Nvidia's newer Maxwell architecture, and have much reduced power requirements over other high end video cards, and their fans often don't even turn on at all unless under heavy load. The specs page lists the system power requirements at 500w, but the card itself consumes around 145w. Yet their speed is considered current top of the line as far as single GPUs.

I just bought one, and it was a HUGE improvement over my old Radeon 7870 and the fan hasn't run unless I force it to. VERY quiet card with low power consumption and high performance. The 970 is also at a very nice price/performance spot right now. The 980 is faster but also around $200 more. It's not $200 faster, IMO, though...

No, I don't work for Nvidia, it's just a great card right now.

Comment Re:In five years (Score 1) 206

If they're not using it at 16, I doubt they're suddenly going to start at 25. Facebook originally took off in colleges, and then high schools, etc. The teen and young adult demographic was a large part of their early success. If I were them, I would at least be concerned with a marked drop off in the young person user base. They probably are, but would never mention it publicly.

Comment Re:Subpoena-able? (Score 1) 151

Sounds great, and I agree.

However somehow I don't think the police would. They apparently don't like to be watched... Constant monitoring is awesome if you're the one doing the monitoring. Not so much if you're the one being monitored. Personally, I don't think police should have a choice, considering the nature of their jobs. Unfortunately I think their unions would disagree, and I don't see the general public winning that fight. Sad, really...

Comment Re:They tried to raise prices 20% unnanounced (Score 1) 392

I made basically the same antenna from your link, although I added a reflector about 1-2" behind it made out of cardboard covered with aluminum foil. It works great! Much better than the two store-bought "HDTV" antennas I tried before hand, and it was a lot cheaper to build.

I live in the Milwaukee suburbs and I get something like 15-25 channels depending on the day and the weather, all from inside my ground floor apartment. All in beautiful 1080i HD! Granted most of those are redundant channels with "local programming", but I do get ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and PBS, so all of the major sporting events are covered. However I do need to adjust my antenna angle or move it around sometimes - the signal is not always rock solid - so I do believe they probably have reduced the transmission power.

Add in Netflix, and accessing things that you just can't easily buy or stream, and I've been cable TV free for a couple of years now.

Comment Re:All security is illusory. (Score 0) 126


Completely off topic reply on a completely off topic post, but I for one am getting sick of this affectation of repeating consonants at the beginning of sentences to...I don't know...simulate stuttering? Where'd this come from? I don't know, but I've just started seeing it in the last several months and it's already pissing me off.

Ok, I feel better now. I will accept my -1 Off Topic mod points with pride.

Comment Re:Am I doing something right? (Score 5, Informative) 238

One trick I use is to hover over the link. Sometimes the missing piece of information is in the URL, then I can decide if I actually want to give them a click. For instance, "You'll never believe what scientist have found to cause headaches!".

Then the link will be "\

Comment Re:Gamer Gate Why ? (Score 5, Insightful) 164

The whole "Gamergate" thing all just seemed like a lot of hand wringing and teeth gnashing over nothing. I'm vaguely aware of what it was, but don't see how it would ever relate to mine or really anyone's enjoyment of video games.

In other words: Who the fuck cares. I'll be over here playing some games until everyone's done talking about it.

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