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Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 295

I cant remember what Feminist group is saying something about the Selective Service, but they two major points:

1) The Selective Service should be abolished. There is no reason to have a draft pool anymore.

2) If the Selective Service is to stay, then women should be included in it.

It was a rather large Feminist group, but since Im at work, I cant exactly look up who they are.

Comment Re:OK, you asked ... (Score 1) 387

What person is so sadistic that they would play C&C or Warcraft on a PS1? Also, multiplayer was non existent for Warcraft or C&C on PS. My memory may be failing me, but I do believe one of those games could do multiplayer via system link... but who seriously owned one of those cables?

Comment Re:Compelling? (Score 1) 244

Check out the Logitech Harmony series of remote controls. They are pretty sweet. Some even let you set up profiles on your smart phone and just one click to do anything. I have one of the cheaper ones myself because its the only remote compatible with some media player I own. Pretty nice to hit "Watch Media" and it turns on the TV, turns on the stereo tuner and sets it to the right selection, then flips the TV to HDMI 2.

Comment Re:You're dying off (Score 1) 287

At first I wanted to get pissed at you. Then I saw this post. I feel like Im right at that age to be considered a Millennial (born in 87), but I find that most people my age and younger piss me off, and I never really got into social media outside of occasionally connecting with friends on Facebook. That, and apparently I tend to agree with the older folks her about stuff.

Worth noting that I only have a 93 Integra GS, but I'm planning on putting around $10k into her to make her track ready. I can see how some people just want a nice car, but my car makes me happy. I view it as an extension of myself (not in a materialistic way). The few times I really enjoy myself is driving through canyons and enjoying the road. Again, this is why I wont buy any of these new cars. The assisted steering systems makes it impossible to feel the road.

Comment Re:The Nerd Shaming Will Continue Until Morale Imp (Score 2) 613

Your post only proves the point he was trying to make. All this random hate and vitriol at nerds lately, and then people come in and slam them even more. I was always the outcast at school, always introverted. I came out of my shell after HS (away from people like you), and I have a very expansive social life, tons of friends, and even dated a model for a bit. Not a supermodel though. The point is that assholes like you were why I was the way I was in HS. It was the stereotypes cast upon me by an outside group making sweeping judgments about who I am based on what I like. Everything that gets posted is basically "Not all men, but srsly, all men". Its about as see through as when someone starts a sentence with "I'm not racist, but..."

Seriously, get bent.

Comment Re:Again? (Score 1) 613

For the record, my mom makes around $120k/yr. She has an Associates, but has been working at the same spot for around 10 years, and is in charge of infection control and is in training to be the charge nurse for the ICU/CCU. She only works 36 hours a week (12 hours per day, 3 shifts per week). Most of the people with BSNs don't actually work on the floor seeing patients anymore.

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