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Comment Re:Yeah, be a man! (Score 1) 608

The evidence is classified, so the trial can't be public. Classified information doesn't suddenly become unclassified when it's made public. It doesn't matter if the whole world knows; these are government rules, they're not supposed to make sense.

Oh I understand fully what the rules are, but I'm pretty sure the prosecutor won't have much trouble presenting evidence from public sources, classified or not. Somebody will make a legal exception and release it for the trial. Administrative branches do this sort of thing all the time....

Comment Re:Yeah, be a man! (Score 1) 608

So you are saying HE won't request a closed trial... OK..

I'm saying the government won't request one either. The don't have to and I don't see why they'd want to. Just put the guy on trial with the evidence for all to see, no fuss, no mess, just the guilty verdict almost assured from any thinking jury. It's simple, quick and effective.....

IMHO, given that nobody knows what the REAL players are thinking here, we really don't know for sure and any further "you are wrong" arguments are pointless...

Comment Re:Yeah, be a man! (Score 1) 608

> Of course, being banished to Russia, is fine too..

Banished? Snowden wasn't banished. If he comes back to the States, the US government will kill him in the fastest, swiftest trial you'll ever see.

Banished: to expel from or relegate to a country or place by authoritative decree; condemn to exile:

How's Snowden not banished? Stay away or we will put you in jail or worse? Didn't they pull his passport, effectively keeping him from traveling anymore? Didn't that force him to stay in Russia? Seems like a textbook case of being banished....

Comment Re:The Party Line (Score 1) 608

I'm not so sure Hillary will go the distance and get into the general. She lost last time to a Junior senator from the state of Illinois who out lefted her and hasn't done much to improve her lot since then. I'm not sure who could over come the inevitability factor on that side because I've not seen much action from that party yet.

I'm also not thinking Jeb is a shoe in either. He's way to center for much of the republican base and it shows in the poll numbers. Of course Trump is making a mockery of the process right now and his loud mouth is attracting lots of attention, but hopefully he will run out of money soon and some of the other republican candidates will take lessons about how to deal with the press from him. If somebody could harness that brashness while keeping the wheels on the ground of principle while dealing with the press from the right, we'd have a republican president for sure. If Jeb is the nominee, it's going to be a nail biter of a horse race and as you indicate, the outcome won't matter much.

Comment Re:No just laws = No fair trial (Score 0) 608

What you don't like is the law... Fine, just don't keep saying he won't get a fair trial because according to the LAW he will. Saying he won't get a fair trial is wrong. The courts are there to fairly apply the law and for the most part, that's what they do.

Although it seems obvious to me that the laws on treason are fairly clear and even handed, and Snowden KNEW what the law said because he signed a confidentially agreement that told him what it was... I'm not sure how you think the law can be changed so Snowden get's what you think is a fair result, without letting other folks off who really *should* be convicted. But that's another discussion from this fair trial canard...

Comment Re:Yeah, be a man! (Score 1) 608

You act like this is some conspiracy or something...

Look, if they didn't want the trial, that's EASY, especially in Russia... Just kill him where he is, problem solved, no trial, no mess and none of the risk. Problem for your theory is that he's alive and kicking still and not "accidentally" dead...

Personally, I don't think they care one way or the other. Stay in Russia or stand trial, either way.. Politically it is pointless to push this on any front, especially while he's in Russia and not on TV. The strong defense folks on the right want him on trial for treason, the folks on the left want the administration on trial in the court of public opinion and THEY want the power that the information from the spying program gives them.

The best solution politically is to let him languish in Russia... And that's what I expect they will do.

Comment Re:Yeah, be a man! (Score 4, Informative) 608

Let us kill you.

If the crime fits....

I have a feeling that he could plea bargain a deal that returned him to the states and preserved his life if for nothing else but to avoid the public trial.

Of course, being banished to Russia, is fine too.. I don't think this administration cares one way or the other.

Public trial?

There will be no such thing.

Oh yes there would be a very public trial. Why do you need a closed trial when all the classified evidence has already been published by the accused and is in public domain? Just whip out the contract he signed when he was indoctrinated with his clearance and dig out the public records of the documents he claims to have released to the press. All you have to prove is HE released the classified information...

Why do people think he's not going to get an open trial? OR a fair one? The outcome may be obvious, but that doesn't make the trial unfair....

Comment Re:I'd be more sympathetic if he weren't a doucheb (Score 2) 608

Exactly this..

Snowden was about advancing HIS image and person and not so much about exposing something that was wrong. Where I believe he thought he had legal grounds, he was self deluded and stupid.

Now he's just a pawn being used to poke the eye of the country he says he loved by a two bit despot.... Way to go dude, you sure messed that one up.

There goes my karma....

Comment Re:The Party Line (Score 4, Insightful) 608

Your choice, but I suggest you pay attention to the primaries at least and go out of your way to vote in them. The main problem for both parties is the lack of interest in selecting the proper candidates, and the tendency to elect the "best looking" and best funded over the best candidate.

After that, may I suggest you pay attention to the principles behind the positions of each of the candidates and pick the one that most matches what you actually agree with. Not the sound bites on TV, their actual positions and records...

Of course this may take too much effort, in which case, just forget the whole thing and stop complaining about those who are elected in races you didn't vote in.

Comment Re:"Jury of peers" (Score 3, Insightful) 608

Snowden has actually said he would go before a jury of peers, in an open trial. The problem is that he faces a military trial, behind closed doors, with no actual representation. So this public statement really is a huge farce.

Unless Snowden was IN the military or in military custody outside the USA, he does not face a military trial. Once his feet hit US soil, he will have a criminal trial just like anybody else.

The Trial may closed for national security reasons, but until a judge says that's what will happen nobody knows if the trial would be public or not. However, I don't think the government would care either way. They might want to keep some of the evidence out of the public domain, but what point is there to trying to force a secret trial now? They have him dead to rights in the public domain on this already..

Comment Re:Yeah, be a man! (Score 1, Insightful) 608

Let us kill you.

If the crime fits....

I have a feeling that he could plea bargain a deal that returned him to the states and preserved his life if for nothing else but to avoid the public trial.

Of course, being banished to Russia, is fine too.. I don't think this administration cares one way or the other.

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