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Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

I'm not discounting that modern technology hasn't drastically improved efficiency in automatic transmissions. I'm sure it has. I'm just saying that manuals have the ability of being more efficient by virtue of being simpler and lighter.

The added weight of the actuating devices in an automatic will lower your efficiency if nothing else. I understand that they've come a long way, but there are *still* losses when automating things. All things being equal, the manual transmission simply has to be more efficient, if for no other reason than it weighs less, so for a highway trip with the same payload over the same road, manual will win, even if by a very little bit.

Now if you don't drive the manual correctly and don't choose perfect shift points, you might induce more inefficiency than an automatic, but that's about driving habits and skill and not the efficiency of the transmission. Plus it may be that for city driving, no human can be accurate enough with the shift points to stay within an automatic computer controlled modern automatic, but again that's about the ability of the operator, but on the highway with the cruse control set, a manual will be better.

Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

If driving efficiency is your goal, step #1 is ditching the manual shifter. You don't have the remotest hope of beating the computer at that game anymore.

There is no way a manual transmission isn't more efficient in most cases, providing you drive them correctly. Manual transmissions are lighter, cheaper to build, and have lower operating losses (no torque converter and hydraulic pumps to run). Now if you drive a manual wrong and don't shift at the right times, MPG could be bad, but on the highway where shifting isn't done, you are going to literally drive away from an automatic efficiency wise.. Oh, and a manual transmission will last a LOT longer and cost you a lot less to maintain than that automatic.

Also #1 rule in driving efficiency isn't ditching the manual shift.... The #1 is managing your driving to minimize how hard you press either the gas or break. The less you press the peddles, the more MPG you will get and the less wear and tear you will do to your car. Don't be aggressive, drive smooth and calm. I find that I use more efficient shift points too, when I'm not trying to eek out that last ounce of performance... Well, that and keeping your tires inflated...

Comment Re:building municipal broadband is prohibited (Score 0, Flamebait) 160

Hmmm.. So your argument is that because the internet crosses state and international boundaries the Fed is free to regulate it. The problem with this is that the commerce clause is about regulating TRADE as it crosses the boundaries between the states and other countries. The Fed can regulate, tax and otherwise control things that cross the state's border, but what happens within the state is the business of the state. The Fed has been justifying a LOT of things using the Commerce Clause, which are really pushing us into some very grey areas.

So, my reading says that the Fed can regulate buying/selling (commerce) that crosses the state line over the internet, but if the state wants to regulate ISP's within it's borders, it is free to do so w/o Federal involvement as long as the state doesn't stray beyond it's constitutional power. A state can force the collection of Sales Taxes on internet sales, they can asses fees and taxes on internet service, and if they want they can prohibit public entities from being ISP's.

The Federal government has slowly been increasing it's reach using the commerce clause as justification. THIS is what needs to stop.

Oh, and your Interstate Highway system example wasn't exactly the same as this. Interstates where built using Federal funds in cooperation with the states for the expressed purpose of interstate commerce. I don't see the Federal government doing the same with the internet, which is nearly 100% privately funded infrastructure with very little continued Federal involvement in it's design, construction or operation. Plus, if a state wanted to weigh commercial trucks as they entered and left and levy fines for being overweight, they are free to do that. Just like they are free to say to 18 wheelers "You cannot drive down this public road" and "You can only go this fast."

Comment Re:building municipal broadband is prohibited (Score -1, Flamebait) 160

This is why we need a federal government to put the hammer down. To hell with 'states rights'!

You are correct. This is yet another liberal attempt to squash states rights with federal mandates.... (or madness if you like)

This kind of usurping of states authority has got to stop and we need to go back to "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

So if you support such nonsense, WHERE in the Constitution does it grant the Federal Government the power to regulate internet providers?

Comment Re:Ironically, bottled mineral water is exploding. (Score 1) 441

As I've told others... This is about FRACKING not drilling, so be sure to carefully consider what you read from that Google search. There is inherent risks in drilling a well, Fracking that well does not add to the risks. We've drilled wells for 100+ years now and they are considered safe. Why do we now blame fracking? It's DRILLING you need to blame, it's just that is not as powerful PR tool when you couch it the correct way eh?

Comment Re:Ironically, bottled mineral water is exploding. (Score 0) 441

Yea, so where is a study that proves the link between fracking and polluting ground water? I have one where they specifically looked for it over a year and found nothing.

Here's a hint... I'll be surprised if you can find anything that proves that fracking does anything to ground water... There are a whole lot of theories and a whole lot of people looking, but nobody has found the proof.

Oh, and here's another hint so you can avoid getting tripped up. I'm discussing FRACKING, not drilling, here. Don't get confused by the two operations. Drilling, which we have safely done for 100+ years now, DOES have various risks. Fracking, does nothing to add to the existing risks when drilling a well, it just adds to the cost and possibly what we can extract from the well...

Comment Re:Ironically, bottled mineral water is exploding. (Score 0) 441

Which agrees with my point that FRACKING does not add to the danger of drilling a well. Read what I said carefully because I'm not saying that drilling is 100% without environmental impact, we've been doing that for more than 100 years and although considered safe, there are risks with drilling, even a water well. What I AM saying is that fracking does not ADD to the risks of drilling and should not be touted as some huge risk to ground water when it's not.

Comment Re:Ironically, bottled mineral water is exploding. (Score 3, Insightful) 441

But that 1-2% number of yours is basically the risk of drilling, not fracking. Now if you wan to argue that drilling carries risk, that you can prove easily and I'm not arguing that. I'm saying FRACKING is not causing any increase in risk for an already drilled well. It's a fine point I know, but it's important to make the distinction, because the public doesn't feel that drilling is a huge dangerous health hazard because we've been doing it for more than 100 years and it's not all that dangerous. Fracking doesn't add to the enviromental danger of drilling, it just increases the recoverable supplies from the wells that we drill....

Comment Re:What are the Saudi's up to here? (Score 1) 441

I believe that last time there was over production and they cut back, they actually lost market share. So what incentive do they have to do it again this time? They are still profiting. Also, many people seem to believe that this is the US paying them to fuck over Russia for what Putin is doing in Ukraine. The embargo sure hurts Russia, but lower oil prices increase the pain by a lot.

Did they loos OPEC market share or just market share of the world supply? It's important because the USA has now developed a LOT of domestic energy production. If what you say is the reason, then OPEC is done and we are facing a long, long time frame for Oil being really low cost (baring any disruption in supply). One can hope, but I seriously doubt the other members of OPEC have the stomach for $50/bbl oil to last very long.

Comment Re:Ironically, bottled mineral water is exploding. (Score 1, Insightful) 441

Here's a tip....

Post an example of where Fracking has destroyed a water supply...

I recognize that it is impossible to prove a negative, but the scientific evidence is all pointing the other way here. Not to mention common sense if you understand how this process works..... Fracking takes place thousands of feet down, below impermeable rock, well below any water supply. What gets pumped down there is not coming back up except though the well head it went down. Anybody telling you otherwise has no proof, that I know of anyway.

Do YOU have any evidence for your position beyond the wild claims of the environmentalists who started this lie?

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