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Comment oh dear god no (Score 1) 690

no not any more promises for free or cheap stuff no, this is what earlier greek gorvernments promised

"there is money" etcetc

no for fuck's sake no NO GOD NO

what greece needs is for the greek people to finally FINALLY learn how to work EFFICIENTLY and manage their finances

Comment Most of us are done with the music... Burp! (Score 1) 196

Seriously, I downloaded every bit of music I could ever want years ago and now I buy songs one at a time (mostly) through iTunes because it's easy and cheap. Music piracy in its mass-orgy like form was based on one thing. Decades of being fucked by record labels and an opportunity to fuck them right back. It was about artists or people being too cheap to buy music. It was about people who had spent money on music for years and years with no real way of backing them up. I bought music over and over again as formats changed and as crappy cassette tapes broke. I probably bought Permanent Waves by Rush 5 times if I bought it once! Initially I was OK with CD's but I didn't get excited about them until I realized that I could rip them. Naturally after that came realizing I could share the files I'd ripped and suddenly my music collection became one with all my friends music collections. Sneaker-net kicked in and then later the network at my office followed by the Internet. I'm now squatting on around 400GB of music, much of which I'd never gotten around to sampling if a friend or co-worker hadn't had it in their collection. Good stuff. When it comes to "what has gone before" I'm like the fat guy in the restaurant in Monty Python's Meaning of Life. "Fuck off! I'm stuffed!". Now, going forward I will buy what I want at a price I think is fair and in the format I choose. That's what I call freedom (even if I had to violate a bunch of people's copyrights to get it)!

Comment So what's the real story here? (Score -1, Troll) 145

Cops are hoping to catch people engaging in illegal sales, and who are actually dumb enough to take up the cops on this offer to use the parking lot as a safe haven? (If you think this isn't possible, look around for stories about idiots calling the cops because someone stole their stash, or the idiots with outstanding warrants who get lured to the police station by the PD running a raffle and claiming the person won an item they can pick up at the station.)

Cops have installed spiffy new facial recognition software in their surveillance system, and they want to start keeping track of the cash transactions that take place via CraigsList?

There is simply no way this is actually a good faith attempt to benefit the citizenry here. None.

Comment Re:The fuzzy line between hobby and job (Score 1) 216

The taxes collected are a redistribution of wealth from automobile drivers to truckers because trucks cause FAR MORE than four times the damage.

This is about the fourth time I've had to spell this out for you. Instead of reflexively reaching for your keyboard, start at the top of the previous paragraph and READ. IT. AGAIN. until it sinks in. If that's even possible for you.

You're also high if you think that the total tax and borrowed money spent on roads in this country is anywhere near covered by fuel taxes and fees.

Comment Re:The fuzzy line between hobby and job (Score 1) 216

Math: Can you even understand it?

Truck axle weight limit: 20,000 lb per axle.

Prius axle weight: 1600 lb per axle

Road damage is proportional to (20,000 / 1,600) ^ 4, or 24,400:1.

So the truck should pay $8,000,000 per year if the prius pays $328. Obviously, the Prius is getting overcharged and the truck undercharged.

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